Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

3.1.3 Human Potential: Effects and Returns from Education

Pavel Sergeevich Sorokin
Project Leader

Project period


Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital

The ‘productivity paradox’ associated with a decrease in returns from formal indicators of educational coverage, as well as the practical discussion being conducted in the field of various sciences around ‘new requirements’ for a person, new ways of responding to these requirements and new aspects of returns from it, including human capital, necessitates a comprehensive interdisciplinary study, which integrates developments from sociology, economics, psychology, management and other sciences to develop a comprehensive model of the content, channels of formation and effects of human capital.

The research project Human Potential: Effects and Returns from Education focuses on the analysis of issues related to the ‘entrepreneurial element’ of human capital. Its role is presumably increasing in the conditions of the post-pandemic world and the observed dynamics of the development of social structures and institutions in the main spheres of public life, including the sphere of work

Project Aim

Developing a comprehensive multi-disciplinary theoretical model of the content, channels of formation and effects of human potential based on the study of the dynamics of changes in structural and institutional conditions in various areas of public life and related new requirements for human potential at the individual and collective level, as well as for institutions of human development and education in terms of the formation of appropriate characteristics; studying the role of individual institutional factors affecting the possibilities of education for the formation of human potential, the development of a model for evaluating the effectiveness of universities in new conditions, including in terms of contribution to the formation of human potential and other effects.

Project Objectives:

  1. Developing a comprehensive multidisciplinary theoretical model of the content, channels of formation and effects of human potential
  2. Developing a conceptual model describing and explaining the role of education in the development of entrepreneurship and institutional transformations (including through the initiative development of human capital/potential)
  3. Identifying environmental factors and characteristics of students those are most associated with a successful entrepreneurial trajectory
  4. Developing a conceptual model for analyzing factors determining the differentiation of educational and professional trajectories, social mobility, including the analysis of long-term effects of the professional trajectory of university graduates

Key Findings


A basic conceptual model of the effects of human capital has been developed taking into account structural and institutional factors.

A basic conceptual model of the contribution of education to the development of entrepreneurship and institutional transformations has been developed, modeling of the effects of the ‘entrepreneurial element’ of human capital has been carried out


Based on the study, critical analysis and generalization of advanced domestic and foreign poly- and interdisciplinary developments in areas relevant to the problems of human potential, basic theoretical models and methodological tools have been created that allow for comprehensive research in the field of the content, channels of formation and effects of human potential (including with a focus on the characteristics associated with ‘agency’ and the ‘entrepreneurial element’ of human capital/potential)


A study of 36 educational initiatives related to learning to work in the stock market has been conducted. The results show that 2 types of educational initiatives have been formed in Russia. The first type is formal and not focused on deep immersion in the topic of programs from institutional brokers, the second type is educational initiatives that are in the ‘gray’ zone, often without an educational license and covering relatively small audiences, but demonstrating high efficiency in terms of supporting the ‘agency’ of the population in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as in a wide range of non-economic issues.


A gap has been found between:

• On the one hand, the objectively growing mass involvement of the Russian population in working on the stock market, the interest of citizens in owning appropriate tools both to increase individual income through investments and to support the development of their own entrepreneurial projects.

• On the other hand, the growing lack of understanding among the population interested in the stock market of the economic situation at the global and national level (including the consequences of ITS own) and the resulting limited ability to use new opportunities provided by modern tools to investors and entrepreneurs (for example, OFZ and new IPOs on the Russian stock exchange ("third echelon"))

This implies the need to improve existing institutional mechanisms to support the productive action of the population (including both students and the older population) in the new economic realities and related key institutions, including the stock market, especially considering the task of supporting university technological entrepreneurship. First, this is a request to the field of education in terms of human development. The principles and basic elements of the content of education are defined to eliminate this gap at the level of higher education and in the field of adult education.

Possession of modern financial instruments as an element of the human potential of students and adults: a request to the field of education, factors and effects

Educational Programs

Master's Program Science of Learning and Assessment

Educational trajectory Designing Educational Products. Pedagogy Master’s Program

Researcher at EdTech Minor

Human Potential Management Course. Public Administration Master's Program

HSE and RANEPA Joint Educational Workshops Social and Humanitarian Dimension of Human Potential

Study course Comparative Analysis of Education Systems

Study course Socio-economic Development Based on Human Potential: Problems, Prospects and Best Practices in Education

Projects of young scientists within the framework of the competition of the Foundation for the Development of Applied Research

Development and initial testing of the elements of the toolkit for the study of the manifestation of "agency" among students (schoolchildren and students), including learning issues, 2021

Stock market education as an element of human development, 2022

Possession of modern financial instruments as an element of the human potential of students and adults: a request to the field of education, factors and effects, 2023

New tasks in the activities of managers in 2020-2023 as a marker of the demand for new components of human potential in the context of technological, cultural and organizational transformation in the field of healthcare, 2023


  1. Sorokin P., Popova T. Classical and Modern Approaches to the Study of Solidarity: Problems and Prospects in the Context of Destructuration (RU) // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Sociology. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 3. pp. 457-468.
  2. Sorokin P., Vyatskaya (Matyushenko) Yu. Povalko A. Open Entrepreneurship Training Initiatives: Characteristics of the Russian Field (RU) // Foresight and STI Governance vol. 15, no 3, pp. 35-51.
  3. Sorokin P., Frumin I. ‘Utility’ Of Education And The Role Of Transformative Agency: Policy Challenges And Agendas // Policy Futures in Education (
  4. Sorokin P. Modern Sociological Theory: Challenges and Opportunities for Russian Sociology// Sociological research. 2021. No. 11. pp. 12-23.
  5. Sorokin P, Popova T. The Quality of Human Capital is a Response to the Challenges of Social Policy in the Context Of Destruction// Journal of Social Policy Research. 2022. Vol. 20. No. 1. pp. 157-168.
  6. Sorokin P., International Expert Agenda in Education: Key Characteristics and Problem Areas // Education and science. 2022. Vol. 24. No. 1. pp. 11-52.
  7. Entrepreneurship Education in Universities of Russia and the World: Why, How and with What Results?//Authors: P. Sorokin, A. Povalko, S. Chernenko; National Research University Higher School of Economics, Institute of Education. — Moscow: HSE, 2020. — 48 p. — 200 copies. — (Modern analytics of Education. № 9 (39))
  8. Regional Differentiation of Accessibility of Higher Education in Russia (RU) // S. Malinovsky, E. Shibanova; National Research University Higher School of Economics, Institute of Education. — M.: HSE, 2020. — 68 p. - 300 copies. — (Modern Education Analytics. № 13 (43))
  9. Report Measuring of Universal Competencies as an Outcome of Higher Education (RU) Authors: Svetlana Avdeeva, Pauline Gass, Elena Kardanova, Yulia Koreshnikova, Alyona Kulikova, Ekaterina Orel, Taras Paschenko and Pavel Sorokin.
  10. Report How And Why To Measure Professional Skills?. (RU) Authors: P. Sorokin, V. Maltseva, P. Gass. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow: HSE, 2021.
  11. Report New Requirements for Human Potential: Development of Independence (RU) Authors: P. Sorokin, I. Frumin, E. Terentyev, Yu. Koreshnikova. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow: HSE, 2022
  12. Malinovsky S. S., Shibanova E. Y. Reasons and factors for the completion of the expansion of higher education in Russia//The Sociological Journal. – 2022. – №. 3. – Pp. 8-37. doi

    13. P.S. Sorokin, I.A. Afanasyeva, V.K. Shmayevka, D. Pavlyuk. "Individual 'agency' as an element of human potential: types, manifestations and effects in the corporate sector." //  Research Digest. Issue No. 10 (27). 2023.

    14. Sorokin P., Maltseva V. (2024) From Discrete Skills to Holistic Creative Human Potential: An Emerging Approach in Theory and Practice. Foresight and STI Governance, 18(1), pp. 6–17. DOI: 10.17323/2500-2597.2024.1.6.17

    15. Sorokin P.S., Redko T.D. (2024) Modern studies of agency in the field of education: systematization of key concepts and developments. Questions of education / Educational Studies Moscow, No. 1, pp. 236-264. doi

    16. Afanasyeva I. A., Sorokin P. S., Goloshchapov A. A. Agency in contemporary European art (2017-2023) in the context of social and cultural trends: manifestations and effects // Steps/Steps. Vol. 10. No. 1. 2024. pp. 341-362. doi

    17. Terentev, Evgeniy, Irina Shcheglova, Denis Federiakin, Yuliya Koreshnikova, and Jamie Costley. 2024. Active Versus Passive Teaching: Students’ Perceptions and Thinking Skills. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow 1 (3). doi


Tools for the study of the manifestation of "agency" among students


Timofeev A.A. Database "Results of the analysis of training initiatives in the stock market". Certificate of state registration of the database 2023623360 dated 06.10.2023.

Sorokin P.S., Chernenko S.E., Vyatskaya Yu.A. Database of the best student entrepreneurial projects. Certificate of state registration of the database 2024621792 dated 04/23/2024

Sorokin P.S., Chernenko S. E., Vyatskaya Yu.A. Database of promising student entrepreneurial projects. Certificate of state registration of the database 2024621780 dated 04/23/2024

Sorokin P.S., Chernenko S.E., Vyatskaya Yu.A. Database of student entrepreneurial projects in the initial stage of development. Certificate of state registration of the database 2024621797 dated 04/23/2024

Sorokin P.S., Chernenko S.E., Vyatskaya Yu.A. Database "Information openness of Russian startup studios". Certificate of state registration of the database 2024621903 dated 05/02/2024

Sorokin P.S., Vyatskaya Yu.A., Chernenko S. Database "Infrastructure for supporting student entrepreneurial initiatives in universities: the Russian landscape". Certificate of state registration of the database 2024623998 dated 09.09.2024

The work "Classification of the key existing methods, approaches and tools of the stock market, compiled on the basis of an analysis of training programs." Certificate of registration 8.0031-2024


XXII April International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 4-22, 2021):
- special round table Assessment of Universal Competencies as Results of Higher Education (19/04/2021)
- special session Entrepreneurship Training: Institutional Landscape and Pedagogical Approaches and Agency, Autonomy, Resilience: a View through the Prism of Education in the framework of Section W (symposium) New Components of Human Potential: Understanding, Measurement and Development

Seminar Entrepreneurship Concepts: Comparison and Conclusions for Education (Moscow, Russia, June 2, 2021)

Joint seminar of the HSE and the World Bank Return on Education in Russia against the Background of International Comparisons: High or Low? from a series of events within the framework of the program Skills and Competencies: Return, Formation, Assessment Tools (Moscow, Russia, October 14, 2021)

Round table Regional Analytics and Higher Education Policy from a series of events within the framework of the program Skills and Competencies: Impact, Formation, Assessment Tools (Moscow, Russia, October 14, 2021)

Round table «Support of Technological Entrepreneurship in Universities: Institutional Conditions and Individual Trajectories  (within the framework of the XII International Russian Conference of Higher Education Researchers: Universities in Search of Quality: External Assessments, Internal Goals, Scientific and Educational Results) (Moscow, Russia, October 14, 2021)

Workshop of the Center for Vocational Education and Skills Development (03/03/2022, 24/03/2022, 31/03/2022, 07/04/2022)

XXIII Yasin (April) International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 5-22, 2022):
- special session Development of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Human Potential: What Universities Can Do (08/04/2022):
Sorokin P. Formation of Entrepreneurial Human Potential as a Task of Universities: Problems and Frontiers
Morozova E. The Role of Mentoring in Teaching Technological Entrepreneurship
- special round table New Requirements for Human Potential: The Development of Independence (19/04/2022)

XXIV Yasinskaya (April) International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economic and Social Development(Moscow, Russia, April 4-14, 2023):

- Round table "Innovative areas of human potential research" (07/04/2023)

- Round table "Mentoring as a tool for human potential development" (13/04/2023)

XV Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia (St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 2023):

- Round table "Human Potential, Social Sustainability and Cultural Diversity in the context of global challenges" by the Higher School of Economics and the IEA RAS. Sorokin P.S. The human potential of culturally complex societies in the era of destruction (28/06/2023)

Round table "The entrepreneurial ecosystem in Russian universities: State and Prospects" (Moscow, Russia, October 26, 2023)

A series of master classes "Human potential: approaches to study and measurement" by the HSE and RANEPA (online, October 28 – December 23, 2023). Sorokin P.S., Timofeev A.A. Human potential in a new world order: conceptual understanding considering current trends and challenges (18/11/2023)