Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, 2023
Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), was devoted to a wide range of topical issues of economic and social development of the country. Scientific reports of Russian and foreign scientists constitute the main part of the presentations at the April Conference. An important part of the conference program are special events held in the format of plenary sessions and round tables with the participation of members of the Government of the Russian Federation, statesmen, business representatives, Russian and foreign experts. This year, for the first time, the conference is held under a new name, fully preserving its traditions. The word ‘Yasin’ in the name of the conference is a tribute to Evgeny Yasin, the honorary scientific director of the university. The conference appeared on his initiative and remained under his leadership. Having successfully developed for more than 20 years, it has won wide recognition both in Russia and abroad.
2023 год
Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
April 4 – 14, 2023
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April 5, 2023. Round table Inequality and New Challenges
The following issues were discussed at the online round table B-5-3/2 chaired by Vasiliy Anikin (HSE):
• What are the key trends of inequality in Russia and the world?
• How has the pandemic affected various groups of the population?
• How do sanctions processes and isolation affect inequality?
• What social policy measures are most effective for reducing social inequality in the face of new challenges?
Experts: N. Tikhonova (HSE, FNSC RAS), S. Mareeva (HSE, FNSC RAS), D. Didenko (RANEPA), T. Maleva (RANEPA), B. Milanovich (University of New York), V. Gorshkov (Niigata University)
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 5, 2023. Honorary paper by professor Branko Milanovic (University of New York) Changes in the Global Distribution of Income and Their Political Prerequisites
The report presented the changes in the global distribution of income over the past two centuries. Particular attention was paid to the decade from 2008 to 2018 and the political prerequisites that underlie the changes of this period. Middle class incomes deserve special attention in this context - their growth in Asia and stagnation in rich countries. Also interesting are the changes in positions in the global distribution of income and the manifestations of concern on the part of the rich. In addition, possible future changes in global inequality were presented, in which the role of India and large African countries will increase.
The honorary report was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 5, 2023. Round table A New Emigration Wave from Russia
At the online round table R-5-4, chaired by V. Mukomel (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the following issues were discussed:
• Sources of information about emigration from Russia
• Volumes and main directions of migration flows
• Socio-demographic composition of emigrants, including age-sex, educational and professional composition
• The situation of new Russian emigrants
• Intentions and prospects of returning to Russia
• Consequences of migration outflow
Experts: L. Borusyak (MSPU), M. Denisenko (HSE), A. Korobkov (Middle Tennessee State University), V. Mukomel (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), M. Tolts (Hebrew University), Yu. Florinskaya (RANEPA)
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 6, 2023. Session Older Generation in Russia and European Countries: Subjective Aspects of Well-Being
At the F-6-2 session, which was held in a mixed format under the chairmanship of Oksana Sinyavskaya (HSE), presentations were made by:
A. Makarentseva (RANEPA), S. Biryukova (HSE), Loneliness and Emotional State of the Elderly: Analysis of Connections and Opportunities for Social Policy (abstract)
E. Selezneva (HSE), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE), Self-Assessment of Health among the Elderly in Estonia and Russia: Influence of Ethnic Differences (abstract)
M. Rudnev (Independent researcher), Self–Reports on Ageism in Russia and Other European Countries - Sensitivity and Infringement (abstract)
The session was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 6, 2023. Honorary report by professor Jubin Abutalebi (Vita Salute San Rafael University, Italy; Arctic University in Tromsø, Norway) Dementia Prevention through Bilingualism
Dementia is a general term for a number of neurodegenerative diseases (of which Alzheimer's disease is the most common), which are characterized by severe symptoms: first of all, deterioration of memory and other cognitive functions, which ultimately leads to loss of independence in daily activities. Dementia is the main cause of disability in the elderly (according to the World Health Organization, 2017). Old age is usually (but not for all types of dementia) a risk factor for the development of the disease. As life expectancy increases, dementia is becoming an increasingly serious burden both socially and financially around the world. Forecasts show that in the near future dementia will lead to annual expenditures of almost trillions of US dollars, with an annual increase of 15.94% projected (Xu et al., 2017). Since there is currently no pharmacological treatment for dementia, there is increasing interest in understanding the factors that can help delay the onset of aging symptoms and contribute to longevity and the preservation of health and mental well-being. Thus, the fight against dementia through preventive or curative measures is an important social and scientific task. In the absence of pharmacological treatment, it is important to identify and study factors that contribute to cognitive resilience in healthy elderly people and people with dementia. According to the "cognitive reserve" hypothesis, elderly people with a high aging reserve experience functional compensation for nervous atrophy and, thus, are able to maintain relatively stable cognitive functioning without any impairment or with less than expected impairment. According to numerous studies, many lifestyle factors, such as regular exercise, an adequate and balanced diet, and a level of education lead to more successful trajectories of cognitive aging. In recent years, it has become clear that bilingualism or bilingualism is also a potential and powerful means of preventing Alzheimer's disease.
The honorary paper was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 7, 2023. Round table Innovative Directions of Human Potential Research
The round table was held under the chairmanship of Lilia Ovcharova (HSE), the following issues were discussed:
· Why did you propose your topic of human potential research within the framework of the Foundation for the Development of Applied Research and Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center competition?
· To what extent is the topic you have proposed researched in Russia and abroad?
· To what extent have the tasks set been solved by the efforts of young researchers?
· How successful do you consider such a format of scientific work?
· What are the specifics of your project: was your project aimed at solving fundamental problems, applied problems, creating new empirical data, analytical tools, or a foundation for a new scientific infrastructure?
The event featured:
Maria Nagernyak, Deputy Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics, Director of the Directorate of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, Head of the Center for Research on Time Budgets of the Institute of Social Policy of the Higher School of Economics
Ekaterina Streltsova, Director of the Center for Statistics and Monitoring of Science and Innovation, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics
Pavel Sorokin, Senior Researcher at the HSE Institute of Education
Alexander Timofeev, Researcher at the HSE Institute of Education
Elena Selezneva, Senior Researcher at the HSE Institute of Social Policy
Anna Grebenyuk, Deputy Director of the Foresight Center of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics
Oksana Zinchenko, Senior Researcher at the HSE Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Natalia Voronina, Analyst at the Time Budget Research Center of the HSE Institute of Social Policy
Moderator – Olga Voron, Advisor to the Vice-Rector of the HSE, Deputy Director of the Directorate of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 10, 2023. Exhibition Anthropological and Neurocognitive Clusters — an Environment for Breakthrough Scientific Research, organized by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center
The exhibition space combined both classical exhibits — eight sculptural reconstructions of ancient people from different parts of the planet — and digital technologies that allow us to explore the human brain, attention, speech and reaction. Interactive stands were dedicated to the following studies:
Digital solutions for the study of speech, auditory-speech memory and attention (testing for the evaluation of auditory-speech memory and attention, filling out a special form that allows you to assess the validity of the stimulus material).
Diagnosis of dyslexia by eye movement when reading (reading to yourself from the monitor screen of several sentences in Russian, during which the participant's eye movements were recorded on the EyeLink Portable Duo videoculograph).
Registration of eye movements in cognitive research (testing of the Pupil Core Bino 200 eye movement registration device to get acquainted with the procedure of an oculographic experiment, using the example of the Anthropologist Simulator Program specially developed in cooperation with the IEA RAS, in which it is proposed to correlate an image of an animal or a person with the correct version of a 3D skull model in a playful way).
Neurofeedback for manipulating the reaction rate using EEG rhythms (testing the game with the presentation of stimuli dependent on brain rhythms to familiarize with the possibilities of tracking EEG rhythms in real time).
The opening of the exhibition was attended by Nikita Anisimov, Rector of the HSE, Ekaterina Chaban, Acting Director of the Department of State Scientific and Scientific-Technical Policy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Vice Rector of the HSE, initiator of the creation of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Lilia Ovcharova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Roman Starchenko, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences RANEPA Pavel Golos and Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of MGIMO Andrey Baykov. Olga Voron, Advisor to the Vice-Rector of the HSE, Deputy Director of the Directorate of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, was the host of the opening ceremony.
More than 100 visitors of the exposition were able to take part in experiments.
In total, the exhibition was visited by more than 450 people.
The exhibition was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 10, 2023. Round table The Role of Renewable Natural Resources and Energy Sources in Sustainable Economic Development of the CIS Member States
The report was presented at the round table B-10-2/1, which was held in a mixed format under the chairmanship of Liliana Proskuryakova (HSE). The team of authors: M. Akim, G. Ermolenko, N. Kurichev, P. Nekrasova, L. Proskuryakova, A. Ptichnikov, E. Schwartz. Scientific editor – L. Proskuryakova
The report analyzes the role of renewable natural resources in the sustainable economic development of the CIS member states. Adoption in 2021-2022 The Plan of Priority measures for the implementation of the Concept of Cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of the use of renewable Energy Sources has given a new impetus to the joint work of the Commonwealth states in the field of the use of clean energy resources. Special attention in the report is paid to renewable energy sources, as well as the prospects for the development of markets for hydrogen and products of the timber industry. Recommendations on strengthening cooperation in the field of green economy and long-term scenarios of low-carbon development in the region have been proposed.
The following issues were discussed:
• What is the role of renewable natural resources in building a green economy?
• What are the problems of international certification and the development of the domestic market of renewable natural resources?
• How do the geographical conditions of the country's regions affect the use of renewable energy?
• What is their role in human development?
Experts: G. Ermolenko (Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council), M. Akim (HSE), I. Zolotova (National Association for the Development of Secondary Use of Raw Materials), E. Schwartz (HSE, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences), N. Trushevskaya (Forest Certification LLC), I. Makarov (HSE), R. Oshakbayev (TALAP Center for Applied Research), A. Pyzhev (Siberian Federal University)
The round table was held within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 10, 2023. A special session of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center - Cultural Changes and the COVID-19 Pandemic (scientific project Values in Crisis) was held at the twelfth international workshop of the LCSR Recent Achievements in Cross-Cultural Studies
At the session, which was held in a mixed format under the chairmanship of Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR, HSE), presentations were made by:
Alina Palkina (HSE), Natalia Soboleva (HSE LCSR), Gender Differences in Anxiety and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Viyaleta Korsunava (HSE LSSI), Boris Sokolov (HSE LSSI), Intra-individual changes in emancipative values during the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia: Evidence based on the analysis of latent growth mixture
Yulia Afanasyeva (independent researcher), Boris Sokolov (HSE), Dynamics of Skepticism about COVID-19 in Russia in 2020-2022: Longitudinal Data of the Study Values in Crisis.
Olesya Volchenko (HSE LCSR), Anna Almakaeva (HSE LCSR; VCIOM), debaters
The special session was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant agreement No.: 075-15-2022-325).
More about seminar by link
April 11, 2023. Session Public Health Factors - 1
At the U-11-1 online session, chaired by V. Vlasov (HSE), presentations were made by:
L. Zasimova (HSE), A. Biryukova (HSE), M. Kolosnitsyna (HSE), T. Kossova (HSE), K. Makshanchikov (HSE), M. Sheluntsova (HSE), Unhealthy Lifestyle Factors and Life Expectancy of Men and Women in Russia
E. Kalabina (UFU, USUE), How Do Undesirable Habits Affect Economic and Social Well-Being of Regions and Individuals (based on materials of the Ural and western siberia macro-region)
A. Petrukhina (FEFU), A. Rymareva (FEFU), Modeling the influence of socio-economic factors on the mortality rate from coronary heart disease in the regions of the Russian Federation
A. Yapparov (HSE), The Attitude of Young Muscovites to Vaccination through the Prism of Vaccine Approval by the Authorities
The session was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325)
April 11, 2023. Session Public Health Factors - 2
At the U-11-1 online session, chaired by M. Krasilnikova (HSE), presentations were made by:
A. Osavolyuk (RANEPA, Lomonosov Moscow State University), Peer Effects and Child Health in Russia
M. Koneva (IEEE SB RAS), Propensity Score Matching for the Analysis of Employment-Health Relationship (abstract)
P. Poplavko (FEFU), Does Port Activity Affect Mortality from Respiratory Diseases?
The session was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325)
April 12, 2023. Round table Russia's Food Sovereignty in the Context of Globalization
At the round table B12-3/1, which was held in a mixed format under the chairmanship of E. Maslova (MGIMO), the following issues were discussed:
• Ensuring food sovereignty and food security of Russia
• Factors affecting Russia's food security
• Realization of Russia's export potential
Experts: O. Kobyakov (FAO-Russia), I. Shcherbak (Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences), I. Zuenko (MGIMO), A. Shcherbakova (HSE), K. Sukhoverkhov (RIAC), B. Frumkin (IMEMO RAS), E. A. Maslova (MGIMO MFA of Russia), K. Y. Molodyko (HSE)
The round table was held within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-327).
April 12, 2023. Honorary paper by professor Louis Chauvel (University of Luxembourg) Discrepancy Between Income and Wealth Inequality: International Perspective, Including Russia
The trends in income and wealth inequality are not parallel. In international comparison with the use of the LIS and WID databases, relative income stability is accompanied by a rapid increase in the concentration of wealth in the upper strata of the population. The development of a new indicator of the Extreme Wealth to Income Ratio (EWIR) shows how the upper layers of wealth have disproportionately benefited from socio–economic changes over the past two decades. From the point of view of a comparative international perspective, the example of Russia is of particular interest as an illustration of the onset of a new era of extremity.
The honorary report was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325)
April 12, 2023. Round table PICK System: Bridge between Creative and Multilingual Education
At the round table B-12-5/1, chaired by A. Kharkhurin (HSE), the following issues were discussed:
• What causes inertia in the education system?
• What are the advantages of multilingual education?
• What are the advantages of creative education?
• What does the combination of multilingual and creative education systems give?
• How to develop flexible skills within the existing education system?
Experts: A.V. Kharkhorin (HSE), M. Ranko (University of Southern Oregon), L. Wei (UCL Institute of Education), E. Piccardo (University of Toronto)
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325)
April 13-14, 2023. International Scientific Symposium "Foresight and Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy
Presentations were made by representatives of leading research and educational centers and business companies from different countries.
The program of the symposium includes the main sessions:
· Foresight and prioritization of science and technology
· Synthesis of qualitative and quantitative foresight methods
· New foresight methods
· Big Data in foresight research
· Scenarios: STEEPV approach
· Assessment of the innovative potential of cities
· Science, technology and innovation policy: current trends and challenges
· Innovation for sustainable development
The symposium was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 13, 2023. Round table The Role of Psychometrics in Education in the Digital World
At the round table V-13-2, chaired by A. Ivanova (HSE), the following issues were discussed:
• How to use the achievements of psychometrics in the field of education in the context of digitalization?
• Which approaches to the development of digital measurement tools in education are most relevant today?
• Which methods of machine learning in assessment are successfully integrated into educational assessment?
• What methods of psychometric modeling of testing data allow measuring progress in education?
• What are the barriers to the introduction of the results of psychometric research into evaluation practice in our country?
Experts: K. Tarasova (HSE), E. Yusupova (HSE), D. Gracheva (HSE), S. Tarasov (HSE), M. Demidova (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements), V. Matsuta (Tomsk State Agricultural University), M. Kurushkin (ITMO University), S. Sokolova (Innopolis University)
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 13, 2023. Round table Mentoring as a Tool for Human Development
At the round table V-13-4, chaired by Pave; Sorokin (HSE), the following issues were discussed:
• What is the peculiarity of mentoring as a pedagogical practice in relation to other instruments of human development?
• What unites different types of mentoring, taking into account the specifics depending on age, subject area and other factors?
• For which tasks of human potential development, relevant today, mentoring has the highest potential? Where is it irreplaceable?
• What events and programs that are already being implemented or planned to be launched within the framework of the Mentor Year in the Russian Federation can be considered as the most important examples of how to implement mentoring in practice in Russian realities?
Experts: V. Yakovleva (HSE), V. Kirysheva (NTI Kruzhok Movement), V. Nikolsky (HSE), D. Pavlyuk (HSE), V. Novikova (HSE), A. Vedekhin (Department of State Youth Policy and Educational activities)
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325).
April 14, 2023. Round table Neuroscience of Education
At the round table B-14-4/1, which was held in a mixed format under the chairmanship of A. Petrakov (HSE), the following issues were discussed:
• What trends in neuroscience can be useful for practitioners?
• What requests to neuroscience do practitioners have today?
Experts: A. Petrakova (HSE), A.Istomina (HSE), N. Postnov (HSE), E. Voevodina (HSE), S. Dorofeeva (HSE), N. Zdorova (HSE), A. Paevsky (Neuronovosti Portal), O. Davydova (HSE Lyceum), E. Bazhanova (College of Small Business 4), E. Bakai (HSE), G. Garipova (Pushkin Pro-lyceum 78), A. Zabelin (practicing psychologist), E. Kiryan (School of Cosmonautics), D. Khramtsova (Detikino Film School).
The round table was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant ID 075-15-2022-325)