Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center


The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Showed the Impact of Demographic Aging of the Population on Labour Supply in Russia

The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Showed the Impact of Demographic Aging of the Population on Labour Supply in Russia
In Russia, as in many other countries, the trend towards depopulation and demographic aging is already accompanied by a decline in the working-age population. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from the Higher School of Economics in the tenth scientific digest “Demographic Changes and Labor Supply in Russian Regions”. The issue was prepared by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center.

Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: the Potential of Heritage of an Outstanding Scientist-Encyclopedist

Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: the Potential of Heritage of an Outstanding Scientist-Encyclopedist
On May 21-22, the International Conference VII Semenov Readings "The Legacy of Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and Modern Science" was held in Lipetsk, in the scientist's homeland in the Ryazanka estate of the Lipetsk region. The head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and the leading expert of the Centre Olga Shtele presented a joint report under the topic "The concept of creation and development of the Federal museum-reserve "The Homeland of Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky"".

Russians Do Not Like to Make Plans and Prefer to Believe in a Brighter Future, According to The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

Russians Do Not Like to Make Plans and Prefer to Believe in a Brighter Future, According to The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center
In Russia, norms and values ​​play a big role in the idea of ​​inequality. This is a conclusion made by scientists in the ninth scientific digest “The idea of ​​Russians About Income Inequality: Does Social Mobility Affect Them?” The issue was prepared by The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center.

Cultural Heritage of the First Cosmonaut: Human Potential in a Historical Context

Cultural Heritage of the First Cosmonaut: Human Potential in a Historical Context
On April 25, the first scientific and practical conference of the United Memorial Museum-Reserve of Yuri Gagarin was held in Gagarin, Smolensk region (formerly Gzhatsk). At the plenary part of the conference the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and the leading expert of the Centre Olga Shtele presented a joint report on the topic "Experience in using cultural heritage in historical rural settlements".

The Possibilities of Using Big Data Mining for Human Potential Studies

Work Quality, Subjective Perception of Income Difference and Gender Gap. Scientists from the HSE and RANEPA Discussed the Methods of Studying Inequality

Work Quality, Subjective Perception of Income Difference and Gender Gap. Scientists from the HSE and RANEPA Discussed the Methods of Studying Inequality
On April 5, 2022 the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center held a round table on Social and Economic Inequality and Current Research Agenda at the XXIII Yasin (April) International Scientific Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development. It was held in an online format in Russian and English languages with simultaneous translation. The event was organized within the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Economic Crises Affect People’s Attitudes to Inequality

Economic Crises Affect People’s Attitudes to Inequality
Inequality based on income, geography, gender, age, class and religion widens social gaps both within and between countries. During the XXIII Yasin (April) International Conference, experts discussed which dimensions of inequality have become especially important in the wake of the pandemic and the evolving economic crisis, and also examined how much more women work than men.

The eighth issue of the scientific digest of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center was published

The eighth issue of the scientific digest of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center was published
The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published the eighth issue of the scientific digest named Kalmyks. Problems of Nomadic Group Adaptation in Russia. Anthropology, Biodemography and Reproduction. The digest presents the results of the research on the adaptation of nomadic Kalmyk groups in the Russian Federation, carried out by scientists from the IEA RAS.

The Map of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Small Siberian City of Yalutorovsk was Published for the First Time

The Map of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Small Siberian City of Yalutorovsk was Published for the First Time
For the first time, a map of the historical and cultural heritage of Yalutorovsk, a small historical town located in the south of the Tyumen region, has been published.

How to Improve Zlatoust Monastery? Report by Pavel Shulgin

How to Improve Zlatoust Monastery? Report by Pavel Shulgin
On February 2 and 3, the IX Zlatoust Readings were held in Moscow – a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the history of one of the oldest monasteries in Moscow, destroyed in the 1930s. At the plenary part of this conference, the report of the head of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute for Social Policy Pavel Shulgin "Proposals for the further development of the landmark "Zlatoust Monastery" was presented.