Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center


Self-making: Lifelong Education.Thematic Session at the Third Eurasian Women's Forum

Self-making: Lifelong Education.Thematic Session at the Third Eurasian Women's Forum
On October 15, 2021, a thematic session Self-making: Lifelong Education took place, organized by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the World Bank within the framework of the Third Eurasian Women's Forum.

Customs, Career Choices and Self-discrimination: Why Women Earn Less

Customs, Career Choices and Self-discrimination: Why Women Earn Less
Experts from the World Bank and HSE University discussed the gender gap in salaries in different countries and the impact of socio-cultural, economic and behavioural factors on differences in earnings.

HSE University Shapes Global Chain of Foresight

HSE University Shapes Global Chain of Foresight
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated our swift adaptation to big challenges and strengthened cooperation ties between researchers, politicians, and entrepreneurs on national and global levels. The accumulated life and goal setting practices in the new reality will be discussed on October 15–26, 2021 by participants of the XI International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy’ organised by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK).

Special academic workshop on the topic of Gender Wage Gap: Global Experience

The Institute for Social Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics held on October 12, 2021 special academic workshop on the topic of Gender Wage Gap: Global Experience. The event was organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928) and in cooperation with the World Bank within the series of events under the topic “Active Ageing Policy and Pension Reforms: Russian and International Experience”.

Long-Term Care Systems: How to Help the Ageing Population

Long-Term Care Systems: How to Help the Ageing Population
The number of people in need of long-term care will grow globally due to an ageing population. Russia is no exception. This is why the state is facing the task of creating an effective system of care for people who need it. At a workshop at HSE University, experts discussed how to model such systems and forecast their load.

A video about the work of the World-Class Research Center "Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has been posted on YouTube

A video about the work of the World-Class Research Center "Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has been posted on YouTube
World-Class Research Center "Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center" has posted a video about the Center’s work on YouTube. The video explains what the Center was created for, describes its goals and objectives, and shows what its staff are working on.

Eighth annual Summer Neurolinguistics School was held online in 2021

Eighth annual Summer Neurolinguistics School was held online in 2021
The 8th Summer Neurolinguistic School was held online from 28 to 30 of June, 2021.

International School of Social Neurosciences 'Inter-subject Correlation Analysis of fMRI Data: Hands-on Learning'

On June 21-23, a Summer School on fMRI data processing was held on the basis of the world-class Scientific Center "Center for Interdisciplinary Human Potential Research" of the Higher School of Economics, together with Aalto University (Finland) and the international project iBrain

‘The Traps in Our Way’: Experts Discuss Job Market and Human Capital in Russia

‘The Traps in Our Way’: Experts Discuss Job Market and Human Capital in Russia
What fields employees can hope to get high salaries in? What is the return on higher education? How is life expectancy related to retirement age? These and some other issues were discussed by experts at the First Conference ‘Labour Market: Demographic Challenges and Human Capital’ organized by the HSE Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre.

Effects of Enterprise Innovation Culture Openness in ISSEK’s Measurements

Effects of Enterprise Innovation Culture Openness in ISSEK’s Measurements
Participants of the international workshop ‘Corporate Innovation Climate’ discussed the latest research results in the field of open innovation on May 26, 2021. The workshop was organised by HSE Institute of Statistical Studies of Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) jointly with University of Twente (the Netherlands) in the framework of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre (HCMRC).