Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center


How to Preserve Cultural Heritage?

How to Preserve Cultural Heritage?
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published the twenty-fourth issue of the scientific digest. Using the example of several regional cases, the research project examines the processes of understanding practices that are part of traditional culture or historical past, and rethinking ideas about them in ethnic groups and local communities. Special attention is paid to the integration of such practices into modern economic, political and social systems, which become available within the framework of the heritage institute.

What Does the State Need Digital Control Tools for?

What Does the State Need Digital Control Tools for?
In the modern world, digital control tools are becoming more in demand. They allow to control large amounts of data and processes, which is especially important not only for large organizations or companies, but also for the state as a whole. The global spread of digital tools for population control is the main topic in the new issue of trendletters of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics, issued as part of a joint project of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the UNESCO Chair for Research of the Future.

How is the labor market changing?

How is the labor market changing?
Today, digital technologies play an important role in people's lives. They not only improve the efficiency of the labor market, but also reduce the time and resources needed to find a job and hire employees. Digitalization of the labor market contributes to the spread of non–standard forms of labor relations, which, on the one hand, create an inclusive environment for employees, and on the other hand, aggravate social protection issues. The next issue of trendletters of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, produced as part of a joint project of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the UNESCO Futures Studies Chair (UNESCO Futures Literacy Chairs network), is devoted to recent transformations of the labor market.

How to Recreate the Appearance of the Fallen Soldiers of the WWII?

How to Recreate the Appearance of the Fallen Soldiers of the WWII?
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center  has published the twenty-third issue of the research digest. It contains cases of dead soldiers identification by portrait reconstructions.

Foresight and STI Governance Maintains Leading Positions in Academic Journal Rankings

Foresight and STI Governance Maintains Leading Positions in Academic Journal Rankings
The Foresight and STI Governance journal published by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge is included in the first (top) level of the Russian White List, which will be applied to assess researchers’ publication activity instead of the quartiles of academic publication rankings. The journal has also improved its performance in the leading international database Scopus which has recently updated its lists of peer-reviewed scientific journals, once again confirming its place in the first quartile (Q1).

What Are the Prospects for Inclusive Employment in Russia?

What Are the Prospects for Inclusive Employment in Russia?
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published the twenty-second issue of the scientific digest. It presents the results of data analysis of the All-Russian survey of HR managers of large, medium and small businesses on the state and prospects of inclusive employment in Russian companies, as well as on factors that affect diversity management in the context of global challenges.

How Can Studying Human Potential Help to Prevent Radicalization of Society?

How Can Studying Human Potential Help to Prevent Radicalization of Society?
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published the twenty-first issue of the research digest It presents the results of analysis on the influence of human capital on potential radicalization and deradicalization of society in Dagestan, the largest republic of the North Caucasus.

What Do Russians Spend Their Time Budgets On?

What Do Russians Spend Their Time Budgets On?
The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published the twentieth issue of the research digest. It presents the results of data analysis on the distribution of time budgets of Russians for various types of activities.

Learning a Foreign Language Can Delay the Onset of Dementia

Learning a Foreign Language Can Delay the Onset of Dementia
Dementia, a debilitating form of cognitive impairment, can be preventable. According to Professor Jubin Abutalebi of the University Vita Salute San Raffaele, Italy, and the Arctic University of Tromsoe, Norway, the easiest way to prevent cognitive decline after the age of 60 is to learn and practice foreign languages – the more languages, the better, suggests Professor Abutalebi in his presentation 'Preventing dementia through bilingualism' at the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference.

Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Congratulates IEA RAS on the 90th Anniversary

Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Congratulates IEA RAS on the 90th Anniversary
On April 11, 2023, the Miklukho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences turned 90 years old. In honor of the anniversary, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences organized a solemn event in the Presidential Hall. The meeting was attended by scientists, public figures, and government representatives. The Vice-Rector of the HSE Lilia Ovcharova, as well as Deputy Vice-Rector of the HSE Maria Nagernyak, Advisor to the Vice-Rector of the HSE Olga Voron and leading expert of Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Irina Tushilkina attended the event.