A team of researchers has studied ice-containing sediment on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. The researchers proved that the melting of underwater permafrost is caused not only by the warming of sea water, but also by migrations of its salt ions (mostly NaCl). The HSE News Service reports on this and other studies conducted by the HSE Institute of Ecology.
Research & Expertise
The RLMS-HSE team in partnership with the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center continues the series of training videos on working with monitoring data. The new introductory video covers most of the frequently asked questions. It will help to understand the main questions regarding the survey sample, navigate the structure of the questionnaires and the structure of data files. The video examines the main identifiers and constructed variables and draws the special attention of users to missing values.
The RLMS-HSE team in partnership with the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center continues the series of training videos on working with monitoring data. The new introductory video covers most of the frequently asked questions. It will help to understand the main questions regarding the survey sample, navigate the structure of the questionnaires and the structure of data files. The video examines the main identifiers and constructed variables and draws the special attention of users to missing values.
TheHuman Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre and HSE University, in cooperation with the World Bank, held the conference ‘New Challenges of Demographic, Epidemiological and Medical-Technological Development: Search for New Models of Healthcare Development.’ The participants discussed whether the healthcare system was prepared to face the pandemic, how the latter affected lifespans and excess mortality rates, whether we can trust statistics, and what we should do to see ‘the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.’
On December 15, 2021 the International Conference organized by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the National Research University Higher School of Economics in partnership with the World Bank was held
IOS-IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar was held on November 30, 2021.
The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, together with the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography and the International Laboratory for Population and Health, organized the first demographic readings in memory of HSE University Professor Anatoly Vishnevsky, the first director of the Institute. The experts in attendance discussed a wide range of topics, including family policy, how to improve the conditions of low-income people, and how to correct market and employment setbacks.
Experts from the World Bank and HSE University discussed the gender gap in salaries in different countries and the impact of socio-cultural, economic and behavioural factors on differences in earnings.
The number of people in need of long-term care will grow globally due to an ageing population. Russia is no exception. This is why the state is facing the task of creating an effective system of care for people who need it. At a workshop at HSE University, experts discussed how to model such systems and forecast their load.
The 8th Summer Neurolinguistic School was held online from 28 to 30 of June, 2021.