Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

3.3.3 Evidence-based policy in the field of human potential development in creative industries: assessing effectiveness and designing support measures

Mikhail Gershman
Project Leader

Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital

In order to develop the creative sectors of the economy, support creative organisations and individuals and, as a result, increase the growth and quality of their human potential, leading countries are implementing a set of state support measures. The study of the effectiveness of these state support measures at the national, regional and local levels is the special area of analysis of the creative economy.

The research project “Evidence-based policy in the field of human potential development in creative industries: assessing effectiveness and designing support measures” aims at developing scientifically based methods for assessing the effectiveness of support measures for organizations and individuals, as well as for designing evidence-based policies in this field at different levels of governance.

Project Aim

Developing and testing theoretical and methodological approaches to measuring and evaluating key socio-economic characteristics of creative industries and the creative class at the national, regional and local levels on the example of Russia.

Project Objectives:

  1. Analyzing regional aspects of the formation and implementation of state support measures for the human potential in creative industries
  2. Developing approaches to the assessment of policies in the field of human development in creative industries
  3. Identifying priorities and creating tools of evidence-based policy in the field of human potential development in creative industries
  4. Preparing drafts of key state measures, including mechanisms for their implementation and assessment of required amounts of public funding

Key Findings


The scientific project was launched in 2023.


The scientific project was launched in 2023.


The scientific project was launched in 2023.


Demianova A. et al. (2023) The four worlds of creative employees: the role of education level and job-education match //Cultural Trends. – 2023. – С. 1-21. doi