Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

1.4.1 Atlas of Cultural Heritage

Pavel Shulgin
Project Leader

Project period


Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital

Cultural heritage is one of the constituent elements of human potential. It plays an important role in the awareness of national and regional identification, becomes an instrument for the preservation of both local identity and cultural diversity in general, being a special factor in the socio-economic development of territories.

The research project Atlas of Cultural Heritage considers cultural heritage as a special economic resource and analyzes it from the point of view of the possibility of becoming a promising area of specialization of the local socio-economic complex.

Project Aim

Identifying the real potential of the country's cultural heritage and its regional differentiation to develop an effective policy on the use of heritage as a driver of cultural and socio-economic development of Russian territories.

Project Objectives:

  1. Developing a typology of Russian regions on the use of cultural heritage
  2. Developing differentiated approaches to improve the use of cultural heritage, considering the specifics of different types of Russian regions
  3. Developing models for embedding heritage in modern economic reality and specific recommendations both for the purposes of state policy and for practical implementation in certain regions and historical cities and places
  4. Analyzing foreign experience of introducing heritage into programs of socio-economic development of territories and substantiation of approaches to the implementation of the best foreign experience into Russian practice

Key Findings


A comprehensive analysis of the data set on cultural heritage on the territory of all subjects of the Russian Federation has been carried out, territorial differentiation has been revealed by parameters characterizing various aspects of the state and use of cultural heritage


Typologizing Russian regions according to the potential of cultural heritage has been carried out, making it possible to identify five main types of regions on the territory of the Russian Federation that differ in the saturation of the territory with cultural heritage objects, the ratio of identified cultural heritage objects and objects included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects, the specific structure of historical and cultural monuments, the identification of intangible cultural heritage objects and the number of formed and functioning historical and cultural territories


The experience of foreign countries in cultural heritage preservation has been considered. Examples of the most effective use of cultural heritage has been identified, which, on the one hand, contribute to the identification and preservation of this special cultural and economic potential, and, on the other, allow the use of heritage as a driver of modern economy development for historical and cultural territories and historical settlements.

Special attention has been focused on new types of cultural heritage that have appeared in the world circulation in the last two decades (in particular, objects of intangible cultural heritage, industrial heritage, heritage of historical transport routes and roads).

Новые виды культурного наследия: наследие исторических транспортных путей и дорог


The concept of "heritage trail" is introduced and the main model principles and approaches related to the development and expansion of the "heritage trail" and its impact on the socio-economic development of the territory are identified. In 11 subjects of the Russian Federation in 14 historical and cultural territories, studies have been conducted that characterize the degree of influence of the use of heritage on the socio-economic development of regions, including the development of social infrastructure, stimulation of new types of service and production activities, and the creation of new jobs. The analysis allows us to present heritage as a driver of the development of the local economy and formulate proposals for improving the Russian practice of preserving and using cultural heritage.

Heritage and its "trail" in the region (using the example of average indicators for
 several large Russian museum reserves working on the preservation and use of local heritage)


Typology of Russian regions by heritage provision and development of regional models for the effective use of heritage


The Fourth Russian Economic Congress (RU) (REC-2020), thematic conference Economics of Culture (Moscow, Russia, December 21-25, 2020): Shulgin P., Shtele O. Strategy for the Formation of the Cultural Framework of the Country and the Use of Cultural Heritage as a Driver of Socio-Economic Development of Russian Regions"

International round table Astronomical Observatories of Kazan University in World Culture and Science (RU) (Kazan, Russia, April 8-9, 2021): Shulgin P., Shtele O. The Main Trends in the Formation of the List of Astronomical Heritage Objects within the UNESCO World Heritage List and Their Consideration when Nominating Observatories of Kazan University

International Forum Tourism. Science and Education (RU) (Khimki, Moscow region, Russia, April 21, 2021): Shulgin P., Shtele O. Cultural Framework as a Form of Using Cultural Heritage and the Basis of Territorial Organization of Tourism in Russian Regions

XIV Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia (Tomsk, Russia, July 6-9, 2021): Shulgin P. Ethnoecological Territories as a Special Heritage Object and a Tool for Preserving National Culture

International Conference Metsamorian Readings – 2 (Yerevan, Armenia, December 15, 2021): Shulgin P., Shtele O. Museums-Reserves as the Basis of the Cultural Framework in Russian Regions

IX Zlatoust Readings (RU) (Moscow, Russia, February 2-3, 2022): Shulgin P. Proposals for the Further Development of the Zlatoust Monastery

First Scientific and Practical Conference of the United Memorial Museum-Reserve of Yuri Gagarin (RU) (Gagarin, Smolensk region, Russia, April 25, 2022): Shulgin P., Shtele O. Experience of Using Cultural Heritage in Historical Rural Settlement

International Scientific Conference VII Semenov Readings: the Legacy of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskiy and Modern Science (RU) (Lipetsk, Russia, May 21-21, 1922): P. Shulgin, O. Shtele The Concept of Creation and Development of the Federal Museum-Reserve The Homeland of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskiy