Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

Research Digest, 2024

A. Sebentsov, M. Karpenko, K. Morachevskaya. (9/2024). Digest #38 A New Approach to Cross-border Cooperation on the Russian-Kazakh Border (RU). Research Project Studying the Role of Border Regions in Overcoming Economic, Social and Epidemiological Risks. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: Anastasia Vasilyeva

The problem of cross-border cooperation always remains relevant for Russia as a country with the longest borders. On some borders, it helps to smooth out interstate contradictions, on others it becomes a regional "engine" of integration between countries. Despite the long experience of common statehood, socio-cultural proximity and participation in the Eurasian integration project, the successes of cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan are very modest.

The project attempts to offer specific recommendations for enhancing cross-border interactions between Russia and Kazakhstan. The first recommendation concerns the implementation of a program-project approach to cooperation. The study showed that this approach, tested on the northwestern borders of Russia, has significant advantages. The second recommendation presents a list of potential topics and cooperation projects selected for each of the four sections of the Russian-Kazakh border area.


A. Demyanova, M. Gershman, S. Pokrovsky. (8/2024). Digest #37 Demand for Creative Class Skills (RU). Research Project Evidence-based Policy in the Field of Human Potential Development in Creative Industries: Assessing Effectiveness and Designing Support Measures. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: G. Forysenkova.

The core of the creative economy consists of creative specialists who need professional and creative skills to work effectively. The formation of systematic approaches to the development and assessment of creative skills is required in different groups of the population. At the same time, the task of measuring creative skills is non-trivial due to the lack of unified methodological approaches in this area and the difficulties associated with conducting large-scale sociological surveys.

The project attempts to overcome these limitations by using information about vacancies posted on the largest Russian job search portal HeadHunter as a data source. The purpose of the work is to analyze the demand for the skills of employees of creative professions (creative class) in the labor market and the assessment of the relationship between their wages and skills. The digest presents the results of the analysis.

V. Ustyuzhanin, V. Arkhangelsky, I. Efremov, U. Zinkina, A. Korotaev (7/2024). Digest #36 Education in the Context of Demographic Forecasting of the Russian Population (RU). Research project Development of Multi-status Demographic Models for Russia Accounting for the level of Education and Health Status/Life Expectancy. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: Anastasia Vasilyeva.

The dynamics of human capital are determined by two main components: the quantitative one, depending on changes in population, and the qualitative one, depending on changes in education, work experience, qualifications, and health. The level of education is an important factor influencing all key aspects of the demographic behavior of the population, i.e. fertility, mortality, and migration. Accounting for education in demographic forecasts can greatly increase their accuracy, as well as help answer not only demographic, but also socio-economic questions related to forecasting the future.

Taking into account the education factor makes it possible to significantly clarify some common ideas about demographic indicators and their dynamics in modern Russia. Thus, many studies have shown that, in general, in the developed countries fertility rates tend to decrease as the level of women’s education increases. This statement is generally true for Russia, but in Moscow, on the contrary, women with higher professional education have the highest average number of children born compared to those with a different level of education. These data cast doubt on the thesis about the inevitability of lower fertility among women with higher education.

E. Demintseva, N. Mkrtchyan (6/2024). Digest #35 New Migration Vectors: Migrants from Central Asia in Kamchatka (RU). Research project Migration as a Factor of Accumulation of Human Capital in Russia. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: A. Vassilieva. 

Despite the fact that the Kamchatka Territory is quite far from the main migration directions in Russia – the Central, Ural and Siberian districts – the Peninsula’s population has increased significantly in recent years due to international migration. The study aims to analyze the causes of the migration flow to Kamchatka, as well as the integration of newcomers into the social environment of the indigenous population. 

Migration is studied not only as a labor force, but also as a factor of growth of human potential. The authors study current migration trends in the Kamchatka Territory and the linkage between Kamchatka and Central Asia.


R. Starchenko, P. Serin, M. Donezhuk (5/2024). Digest #34 Regional Identity And Migration Orientations Of Residents Of The Kaliningrad Region (RU). Research program Diversity and Sustainability Predictors in Times of Global Challenges. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: Marina Kucherenko.

This research digest contains the results of an ethnosociological study conducted in the Kaliningrad region in June 2023. The data collected revealed a high degree of Russian civic identity among the residents of the region and a significant level of regional identity, influenced by the region's geographical and socio-economic characteristics.

The study's results also showed that ethnicity and religion do not play a significant role in the self-identification of most respondents. The majority of residents, being migrants or descendants of migrants from various regions and republics of the former USSR, highly appreciate the living conditions in the Kaliningrad region and do not plan to leave. However, there is a notable desire among the youth to move to more developed regions of Russia, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, where living conditions and material security are higher.

А. Vinyar, A. Vlakhov, I. Ziber, М. Lapina, М. Mordasov, А. Ryzhkov, A. Smirnova, I. Stenin (4/2024). Digest #33 Indigenous Languages and Cultures in Russia: Preserving Diversity (RU). Research project The Arctic Center: Linguistic and Cultural Diversity of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editors: Inna Ziber, Maria Lapina, Marina Kucherenko.

Despite the fact that linguistic and cultural diversity are considered one of the most important factors for the effective development of human potential both at the global and regional levels, there may be a certain loss of this diversity in the future. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis based on the latest data available in the field of social and humanitarian northern studies.

The first section presents new data from the field of social and cultural anthropology, exploring the peculiarities of human identity formation, including ethnic, regional and linguistic identities in the Republics of Karelia, Komi and the Kamchatka Territory. The second section provides an overview of trends in linguistic diversity in these regions.

A. Bojechkova (3/2024). Digest #32 Innovative Potential of Russian Regions (RU). Research project Analyzing the Impact of Human Capital on the Technological Development and Economic Growth of the Russian Federation. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: Marina Kucherenko.

Under the influence of external factors, such as the global financial crisis, sanctions and structural transformation, that have caused a slowdown in the Russian economy, experts stress the importance of transitioning from an economic growth model to an innovative development model in Russia. In this issue of research digest, the author identifies the significance of assessing the innovative potential of Russian regions in the context of this economic transition by means of economic and mathematical methods.

The new issue of research digest not only provides a general assessment of the innovative potential of Russian regions, but also identifies the leading regions, as well as key factors of technological efficiency in some Russian regions. In addition, the author proposes recommendations to update the importance of public and private investment in education, research and development and innovative infrastructure.

E. Antonov, A. Sheludkov (2/2024). Digest #31 Labor Market of Russian Regions and Municipalities in the Crisis Periods of 2020–2022 (RU). Research project Instruments for the formation of scientifically informed spatial policy at the intra-regional level, based on detailed spatial data.  Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: Marina Kucherenko.

Despite the fact that the problem of territorial inequality remains of great importance to Russia, at the moment the dynamics of this phenomenon is still unclear. In this new issue of research digest, the authors (Alexander Sheludkov, Evgeny Antonov) make their own attempt to measure territorial inequality at the regional and sub-regional (municipal) levels through an analysis of the Russian labor market in the period from 2020 to 2022.

By means of such indicators as the number of people employed and their wages, the authors analyze the main trends in the Russian labor market at the regional and municipal levels. They also take into account internal and external factors that influence the situation.


V. Vinogradova, A. Sheludkov (1/2024). Digest #30 Natural and Climatic Living Conditions for the Russian Population in the Early and Mid-21st Century (RU). Research project The Relationship between the Spatial Differentiation of Human Potential and the Resilience of Territories in the Context of Socio-Economic and Natural Factors. Project supervisor: Olga Voron. Editor: Olga Voron, Marina Kucherenko. 

According to all of the existing scenarios for the development of natural living conditions in different parts of Russia in the 21st century, experts note the there is an increase in climatic features typical of the northern and southern regions. They also claim that climatic and demographic trends contribute to the concentration of citizens in particular areas.  

In this research digest, experts present their assessment of the current and future natural and climatic living environment in Russia from the beginning to the middle of the 21st century, based on available demographic statistics and developed climate change scenarios and models.