7.2.4 Measuring the Role of Social Norms and Gender Stereotypes in Educational Choice
Andrei Sushentsov
Project Leader
Project period
Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital
Studies show that the reduction of professional barriers for women can lead to increased economic growth due to the fuller use of human potential in a particular country. One of the leading scientists in the field of gender inequality M. Bertrand identifies two main causes of the gender gap in the labor market at the moment: 1) gender differences in the choice of education; 2) the negative consequences of motherhood in the labor market for women and nosuch consequences for men.
One of the possible reasons for gender inequality is gender norms and stereotypes, according to which a man should earn more than a woman in a family. Women may hide their ambitions, thereby losing career benefits, in order to be attractive to men.
The research project Measuring the Role of Social Norms and Gender Stereotypes in Educational Choice focuses on the study of possible reasons for the different choice of specialty among men and women on the example of Russia, as well as on the study of social norms, gender stereotypes and role models in explaining the low number of women in STEM specialties (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
Project Aim
Determinate the influence of gender stereotypes and social norms on the differences in the choice of profession by women and men on the example of Russia.
Project Objectives
- Measure the role of social norms and gender stereotypes in the choice of education – the effect of gender norms on the subsequent choice of major in high school
- Study the influence of the desire to be attractive to the opposite sex on women's ambitions and study of the influence of role models on increasing interest in STEM specialties (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in women
Key Findings
A preliminary design of an experiment in secondary schools has been developed, dedicated to the questions of high school students on the subject of gender stereotypes and decisions on the choice of investments in education.
The analysis of the relationship between gender norms, level of education, type of activity and level of well-being has been carried out, the gender role index has been calculated and its distribution by region, age, level of education, income and type of activity of respondents.
A block of indicators of changes in social behavior in connection with belonging to the male or female gender has been developed.
The analysis of migration behavior in connection with belonging to the male or female gender is carried out.
The proportion of men and women of different ages who lived in places other than their place of birth, % of the total number of people of the corresponding gender and age
International Research Seminar (Workshop) 1st Moscow International Workshop Applied Research in Labor Economics and Human Capital (RU) (MGIMO, November 12-13, 2021)
XXII Yasin (April) International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economic and Social Development(Moscow, Russia, April 4-8, 2022):
- Special round table "Social norms, economic inequality and adaptation of the population to large-scale economic crises" within the framework of a Specialized multidisciplinary section (06/04/2022)
XIV Convention of the Russian Association for International Studies (RAMI), (MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, October 13-15, 2022):
- Section "Woman in a social state 2.0: continuing the discussion" (14/10/2022)