Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

5.4.1 Neurocognitive Decision-making Mechanisms in Different Social Contexts

Alexis V. Belianin
Project Leader

Project period


Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital

A fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of human interaction in large and small groups, factors of cooperative and competitive behavior, risk behavior, intergroup conflicts and collective sanctions, the impact of collective sanctions on the level of cooperation both within the group and when interacting with other groups will better clarify the mechanisms of formation and accumulation of human capital and its role in intergroup interaction.

The implementation of the research project Neurocognitive Decision-making Mechanisms in Different Social Contexts will provide an increment of fundamental knowledge of decision-making and how they react to the decisions of their neighbors, the cultural and social specifics of decision-making both within and between groups.

Project Aim

Investigating factors of prosocial and antisocial behavior in group interaction tasks under conditions of uncertainty and risk

Project Objectives:

  1. Studying prosocial and antisocial behavior in social dilemmas, factors of cooperative and competitive behavior, antisocial and prosocial punishment
  2. Developing alternative approaches to measuring behavior in risk conditions
  3. Studying mechanisms of intergroup conflicts and collective sanctions

Key Findings


The analysis of the effectiveness of collective punishments (sanctions) in the context of creating a public good has been carried out


A theoretical model of incentives to behave non-cooperatively in the process of social interaction with other participants in experimental games in conditions of uncertainty


The positive impact of feedback mechanisms introduced in the tax inspections of Russia on compliance with tax discipline and increase of tax collections in the regions of Russia has been established and investigated



A study of digital feedback channels from taxpayers collected by tax authorities in all regions of Russia has revealed an interesting pattern. The number of estimates collected through all channels (SMS messages, push-up messages, online links, etc. - in the figure along the vertical axis) is positively correlated with tax collection (along the horizontal axis) and is stable over time, taking into account the number of taxpayers, epidemic restrictions, endogeneity, etc. The feedback collection mechanism modifies the relationship between the tax inspectorate and the taxpayer: the latter does not feel like a potential violator at the inspection, but a client to whom the state body provides a service and tries to do it efficiently. As a result, the taxpayer's willingness to cooperate increases, and the craving for tax violations decreases.

Educational Programs

Educational trajectory Behavioral Economics. Economics and Economic Policy Master’s Program


  1. Walkowitz G., Belianin A. V., Dorrough A. R. (2022) Inter-cultural cooperation: The role of attitudes, (shared) expectations, and behavioral standards //Frontiers in Psychology. – 2022. – Т. 13. – С. 1044588. doi 
  2. Titkova E., Belianin A. (2023) Feedback Monitoring Tools of the Russian Federal Tax Service //NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. – 2023. – Т. 16. – №. 1. – С. 167-180. doi 


XXII April International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 13-30, 2021):
- Special Round Table (Non)Homogeneous (Ir)Rationality. How the Brain Makes Decisions (RU) (13/04/2021)

VK VNauke Scientific Community Festival (Moscow, Russia, September 23, 2023):

- Interactive stands "Neurocognitive Cluster – an environment for breakthrough scientific research"

All-Russian Science 0+ Festival (Moscow, Russia, October 7, 2023):

– Interactive stands "Neurocognitive cluster - an environment for breakthrough scientific research"

A series of lectures on behavioral economics for marketers and communication specialists in business and the public sector (online, December 5-9, 2023)