1.1.2 Social Inclusion and Diversity Management in Russian Companies in the Context of Global Challenges (HR Managers' Perspectives)
Christian Fröhlich
Project Leader (2020-2022)
Viktoria K. Antonova
Project Leader (2022-2025)
Project period
Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital
Managing socio-cultural diversity in the workplace and developing an inclusive work environment directly contributes to activating and enhancing employees' human potential.
The scientific project Social Inclusion and Diversity Management in Russian Companies in the Context of Global Challenges (HR Managers' Perspectives) focuses on the way to turn diversity into a competitive advantage for companies, the way to use social or cultural differences as a resource and the way to ensure social inclusion and contribute to the development of society as a whole.
Project Aim
Analyzing the state and prospects of inclusive employment in Russian companies and factors affecting diversity management in the context of global challenges
Project Objectives
- Identifying drivers and barriers to inclusion in the work environment of socially vulnerable groups of people
- Analyzing attitudes and values of sociocultural diversity and social inclusion of HR department managers of Russian business companies in institutional and discursive dimensions in the context of global challenges
- Developing a model for managing the socio-cultural diversity of personnel and proposу possible practices of managing such diversity
- Creating a system of indicators for inclusive employment and diversity management in Russian organizations
- Developing the Russian Inclusive Employment Index
Key Findings
The theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the management of socio-cultural diversity and social inclusion in organizations have been reconstructed, and the prospects for the development of practices of managing socio-cultural diversity of personnel have been determined. Drivers and barriers of inclusion of socially vulnerable groups of people into the working environment have been identified
Using 30 semi-structured interviews, a set of meanings and interpretations that form the perception of social inclusion by HR managers has been revealed. The interpretations are used by HR managers to rationalize decisions within the framework of hiring employees as well as organizing their subsequent work and developing complex internal human capital programs
The correlation between the size of the company and the presence of inclusive practices in it has been found: the larger the company, the more likely it is to support inclusive norms and practices (providing organizational conditions for work, accessible environment, tracking hiring and career development indicators of employees with disabilities).
Companies operating in Russia have a rather formal attitude towards inclusion of people with disabilities. Even having a package of measures and tools that should help in implementing an inclusive approach to the adaptation and development of employees with disabilities in companies, they do not use these opportunities, do not assess progress towards improving inclusive organizational culture and results of inclusive employment
Доли компаний, обеспечивающих наиболее комфортные условия для сотрудников с разными возможностями здоровья, среди аномальных и типичных с точки зрения распространенности в них инклюзивных практик организаций
Based on the data of the All-Russian survey of HR managers of business companies, the hypothesis that HR managers play an important role in hiring women and retaining them in the company was confirmed: it is proved that the professional identity of HR managers (which manifests itself in their work experience and job satisfaction, in individual attitudes towards inclusion and diversity management in the company) is associated with the proportion of women in the company, as well as with the presence of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in it, demonstrating the dynamics of hiring and promoting women.
An HR manager's adherence to stereotypes about women and their belonging to an older group are predictors of a decrease in the proportion of women in the company, while longer work experience in the company and a higher level of education are predictors of an increase in this proportion. The increase in the number of monitored KPIs for the recruitment and promotion of women is facilitated by HR managers' good knowledge of the concept of "diversity and inclusion policy" and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the increase in the number of special information resources related to diversity and inclusion policy.
Связь идентичности HR-менеджера с долей женщин в компании и количеством KPI по их найму и продвижению
Educational Programs
Antonova V, Prisiazhniuk D, Ryabichenko T. Creative Effect, Investment and Inclusion as the Norm of Life: Attitudes of HR Managers in Russia Regarding Inclusive Employment // Journal of Social Policy Studies C. 19. № 3., 2021. Pp. 373-388. doi
Antonova V. K., Aleksandrova M. Y., Prisyazhniuk D. I., Ryabichenko T. A. Inclusive Organizational Culture as an Anomaly: The Impact of Company Size on the Manifestation of Inclusive Norms and Practices. // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. – 2022. - No. 4. - P. 172–198. doi
Anotonova V.K., Prisyazhniuk D.I. Inclusive employment of people with disabilities as part of the policy of inclusion and diversity management. // Research digest #5 (22). – 2023.
Empirical Data Bases
Database Attitudes And Values of Socio-cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion of HR Managers and Department Managers of Russian and Multinational Companies, 2021(RU)
International online seminar Barriers and Employment Prospects for People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad (RU) (Moscow, Russia, December 2, 2021): Fröhlich C., Antonova V. Comments on the World Bank Study Analysis of Barriers and Opportunities for People with Disabilities to Participate in the Labor Market in the Russian Federation and Presentation of the Results of the Study The HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research Barriers and Benefits of Inclusive Employment through the Eyes of Russian HR Managers (RU)
10th ICCEES Congress Bridging National and Global Perspectives (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 3-8 August, 2021): Antonova, Victoria, Daria Prisyazhniuk, Tatiana Ryabichenko: From Personal Attitudes to Organisational Decisions: HR-managers as Drivers of Inclusive Employment in the Russian Business, Fröhlich C., Antonova V., Sinelnikova A. The Social Responsibility of Business in Russia: Assessing Companies’ Approaches towards People with Disabilities
Round table Diversity Management in Russian Companies (Results of the All-Russian Survey of HR Managers) (Moscow, Russia, June 20, 2022)