"Modern problems of studying and protecting cultural and natural heritage" - All-Russian scientific conference
The conference was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after academician Likhachev and brought together specialists in various fields in the protection of cultural and natural heritage: naturalists, specialists in the protection of historical and cultural monuments, preservation of cultural landscape, archaeologists, specialists in cultural geography, etc.
In his report, Pavel Shulgin gave a retrospective of regional studies of cultural heritage over the past five years, which were conducted within the framework of the Higher School of Economics. They include projects of nomination of Russian objects to the UNESCO World Heritage List (Ancient Bolgar and the Island-City of Sviyazhsk), which were successfully implemented; development of a management plan for these objects (the management plan for Ancient Bolgar became the first approved management plan for Russian World Cultural Heritage sites); development of projects of museums-reserves in various regions of Russia; works within the framework of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center on the project "Atlas of Cultural Heritage".
The presentation of the leading expert of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development, Olga Shtele, was devoted to the analysis of the activities of the magazine "Heritage and Modern Times", which has been published for five years now.
As the main goal of its publishing policy, the journal considers the formation of a scientific and methodological platform for a broad exchange of publications and discussions on the preservation of cultural heritage, its use and the exchange of accumulated experience in nominating objects to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The editorial board of the journal, which includes specialists from different regions of Russia, as well as from republics developing in the post-Soviet space, attracts an international circle of authors to widely cover regional problems and achievements in this area.
The «Heritage and Modernity» magazine is published quarterly, providing an opportunity for professional communication for a wide range of specialists, becoming a permanent and reliable source of information on current research and development in the field of preservation and use of cultural heritage, the formation of various types of historical and cultural territories, the expansion of the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The paper was prepared in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325). Scientific project "Atlas of Cultural Heritage".