Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

6.3.1 Gas Hydrates in the Global Environment: Potential for Sustainable Development of Society and Impact on Climate Transformation

Igor Semiletov
Project Leader

Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital

Studying the natural resource potential of gas hydrates and the risks associated with their development is a priority: special programs and plans for the industrial development of gas hydrates have been developed in the United States, Japan, Canada, India, China and a number of other countries. This interest is primarily due to the possibility of using gas hydrates as a potential source of natural gas to meet the energy needs of the economy. In the context of human potential, research in this subject area is relevant both because of the risks associated with anthropogenic pressures on the environment and the opportunities for sustainable economic growth, acting as a major resource for human development.

The research project Gas Hydrates in the Global Environment: Potential for Sustainable Development of Society and Impact on Climate Transformation is aimed at developing an international system for assessing, prognosing and informing about the risks associated with the release and salvo emissions of methane into the atmosphere, the source of which are gas hydrates, the stability of which is controlled by the state of permafrost

Project Aim

Developing a system for monitoring and managing the risks of uncontrolled natural release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the source of which are offshore gas hydrates and other geological reservoirs (pools) of methane, as well as quantitative assessment of their massive emissions

Project period


Project Objectives:

  1. Assessing the potential and risks of using Arctic gas hydrates for the sustainable development of society, as well as obtaining new unique knowledge about the mechanism of degradation of permafrost
  2. Assessing the current and expected emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as a result of the destabilization of gas hydrates in the context of the impact on climate transformation
  3. Creating a data bank on the state of the permafrost in the context of identifying places of massive methane discharge due to the destabilization of hydrates, which is necessary to ensure the safety of the development of shelf resources and the operation of the Northern Sea Route
  4. Assessing the negative impact of disturbed methane hydrate  and other greenhouse gases, including the role of oxidation of dissolved methane to carbon dioxide (acidification effect), on the stability of ecosystems and the risks of occurrence of natural phenomena dangerous to life and health of the population

Key Findings


The data bank has been expanded to assess the contribution of methane and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere as a result of the destabilization of gas hydrates in the context of the impact on climate transformation, and data on the state of permafrost in the context of identifying places of massive methane release  due to the destabilization of hydrates (for use in the development of measures to improve the safety of offshore resources development and operation of the Northern Sea Route


The scale of methane emissions from key areas of massive release has been revealed, and the environmental consequences of the oxidation of dissolved methane to carbon dioxide have been estimated. Based on the results of field studies in 2021, unique information has been obtained that made it possible to significantly expand the database of complex biogeochemical, geophysical and geological data to assess the contribution of methane emissions to the atmosphere due to the destabilization of gas hydrates and clarify the role of progressive degradation of permafrost in the scale of methane emissions from the bottom sediments of the Arctic seas of Russia


Modeling scenarios of deep decarbonization of the Russian economy based on the TIMES - Russia model has shown that greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by 75-88% from 1990 levels by 2050 with a threefold increase in GDP per capita. Model estimates also show that under the most severe scenario, the annual cost of decarbonization of key sectors of the Russian economy will reach 12 billion US dollars by 2030 and 48 billion US dollars by 2050.  

Based on scenario calculations based on the TIMES - Russia model, the priority of bioenergy development was established for the deep decarbonization of the national economy and huge opportunities for increasing Russia's share in the bioenergy markets of the world, which is the most important factor for sustainable (including green) development in the face of sanctions and increasing geopolitical risks

Temperature distribution in the bottom sediments of the seas of the Eastern Arctic. The position of large methane sips is marked by stars


For the first time in winter conditions, the patterns of bubble discharge of methane (the most powerful greenhouse gas) in the shallow part of the seas of the Eastern Arctic (MVA) were performed and analyzed. It was revealed that the magnitude of methane fluxes from the vast shallow shelf of the MBA is orders of magnitude higher than from the northern thermokarst lakes, which are considered by the International Panel on Climate Change as a source of CH4 of global importance.

A map of the East Siberian Arctic shelf with the research area highlighted in a yellow rectangle (a); A map of the work area indicating the place of natural release of methane bubbles (red pentagon) and the village of Tiksi, where the expedition started (yellow asterisk) (b); A sample of bubbles frozen in solder in the area of release of methane bubbles (c). When ice melts, methane enters the atmosphere from this ice source, unaccounted for in international climate models.


Semiletov I.P. Database "Data characterizing the long-term variability of the thermohaline regime of water masses in key areas of the Northern Sea Route". Certificate of state registration of the database No. 2023623141 dated 09/18/2023


  1. Report Impacts of Climate Change on Human Potential, Economy and Ecosystems. (RU) Authors: Veronika Vinogradova, Olga Glezer, Raisa Gracheva, Alexandra Dorina, Alexander Zolotokrylin, Alexander Kotov, Nikolay Kurichev, Boris Morgunov, Vladimir Potashnikov, Andrey Ptichnikov, Liliana Proskuryakova, George Safonov, Yulia Safonova, Anastasia Semakina, Igor Semiletov, Anton Sizonov, Andrey Stetsenko, Tatiana Titkova, Natalia Shakhova, Alexander Sheludkov. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow: HSE, 2022
  2. Report Sustainable Development during the Pandemic: Natural Resources, Climate Change and Territorial Resilience (RU). Authors: Veronika Vinogradova, Raisa Gracheva, Alexandra Dorina, Alexander Kotov, Nikolay Kurichev, Boris Morgunov, Boris Morgunov, Vladimir Potashnikov, Liliana Proskuryakova, Andrey Ptichnikov, Georgy Safonov, Julia Safonova, Anastasia Semakina, Igor Semiletov, Anton Sizonov, Andrey Stetsenko, Ivan Frolov, Elena Cherenkova and Natalya Shakhova. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow: HSE, 2022
  3. Chuvilin, E., Bukhanov, B., Yurchenko, A., Davletshina, D., Shakhova, N., Spivak, E., Rusakov, V., Dudarev, O., Khaustova, N., Tikhonova, A., Gustafsson, O., Tesi, T., Martens, J., Jakobsson, M., Spasennykh, M., and I. Semiletov, In-situ temperatures and thermal properties of the East Siberian Arctic shelf sediments: Key input for understanding the dynamics of subsea permafrost. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, ISSN: 0264-8172, Vol: 138, Page: 105550,DOI10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105550
  4. Krylov, A.A.; Kovachev, S.A.; Radiuk, E.A.;Roginskiy, K.A.; Novikov, M.A.;Samylina, O.S.; Lobkovsky, L.I.;Semiletov, I.P.  MatNERApor— A Matlab Package for Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Response of Porous Saturated Soil Deposits to P-and SH-Waves Propagation. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 4614. doi
  5. Chuvilin, E., Ekimova, V., Davletshina, D., Krivokhat, D., Shilenkov, V., and B. Bukhanov.  Pressure Influence on Salt Migration in Frozen Hydrate-Saturated Sediments: Experimental Modeling, Energy & Fuels, 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c01282
  6. Yakushev, E., Gebruk, A., Osadchiev, A., Chernykh, D., Semiletov, I. et al. Microplastics distribution in the Eurasian Arctic is affected by Atlantic waters and Siberian rivers. Commun Earth Environ 2, 23 (2021). doi 
  7. Chernykh D. et al. (2023) First calibrated methane bubble wintertime observations in the Siberian Arctic seas: Selected results from the fast ice //Geosciences. – 2023. – Т. 13. – №. 8. – С. 228. doi 
  8. Chuvilin E. et al. (2023) Thermal Conductivity of Frozen and Unfrozen Gas-Saturated Soils //Geosciences. – 2023. – Т. 13. – №. 11. – С. 347. doi 


XXII April International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 13-30, 2021):
- Special Round Table Sustainable Development during a Pandemic: Natural Resources, Climate Change and Territorial Resilience (15/04/2021)

Ocean Science Meeting 2022 (Honolulu, HI, USA, February 27- March 4, 2022):
-  Igor P. Semiletov Methane release from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and its connection with permafrost and hydrate destabilization: lessons learned from 20yrs complex studies (presentation 9006)

XXIII Yasin (April) International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 5-22, 2022):
- Special Round Table Sustainable Development in Unstable Times - is it Time to Reformat the Plans  (07/04/ 2022)

XXIV Yasins(April) International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 4-14, 2023):

- Special round table "The role of renewable natural resources and energy sources in the sustainable economic development of the CIS member States" (10/04/2023)