3.2.3 Adult Education
Ilya Korshunov
Project Leader
Project period
Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital
Key competencies and skills develop as a result of continuous education (the concept of Lifelong Learning), which is an integral part of human life today. Accelerating the pace of changes in production technologies in the modern economy and the rapid obsolescence of skills in the labor market leads to an increase in the gap between the requirements of employers and the available qualifications (primarily in terms of its practical component) of graduates of educational organizations and working citizens. Updating the entire complex of key competencies of employees that meet the needs of existing and prospective industries is an important contribution to human capital.
Implementing the research project Adult Education involves analyzing and determining the role of various agents (the state, the education system, enterprises) in the formation and development of key competencies of the working population for the social and economic development of both citizens and society as a whole
Project Aim
Conducting a comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of the existing practices of the main socio-economic institutions (universities, enterprises, the state) involved in the process of training and retraining of the adult population, based on the data of sociological research on the international programs of the PIAAC, as well as RLMS-HSE
Project Objectives:
- Determining effective strategies for the formation of the problem solving skill in a technologically saturated environment of adult working citizens through their participation in formal, informal and informational training (on-the-job, online) based on data from the Russian adult survey RLMS-HSE
- Studying the main factors influencing the participation of the adult population in continuing education and the factors of the choice of additional education programs by the adult population of the Russian Federation, including their compliance with the requirements of employers and employees for skills, issued educational documents, characteristics and conditions of implementation, to develop and specify strategies for the formation and maintenance of competencies of adult citizens with different the level of possession of key competencies
- Identifying cross-country differences in the use of skills in the workplace and establishing the relationship between the use of skills and the results of cognitive assessment (based on international data based on the PIAAC-OECD study)
- Analyzing the adult continuing education system at universities in regions at the stage of economic transformation in order to determine the main development strategies, forms of interaction with key stakeholders, identifying their role in the system of economic development of regions and develop recommendations for improving the adult education system
Key Findings
In the course of the study, it was found that in a regional economy with higher labor productivity, significantly larger-scale training in digital competencies takes place and, in general, higher average wages are observed. Such training takes place in industries, primarily with a high level of digitalization. Moreover, more complex and complex competencies provide a greater contribution to productivity than basic ones. As a meaningful analysis of educational programs has shown, citizens in Russian regions with a large GRP per capita and, accordingly, with a high level of training in digital competencies, more often want to master highly professional skills of the digital economy.
GRP per capita in the subjects of the Russian Federation and the scale of training citizens in digital skills from the total number of employees
The share of trainees by skill groups in regions with low and high levels of digital competence training from the total number of employees, %, within the framework of the federal project "Employment Promotion"
Educational Programs
Master's Program Science of Learning and Assessment
Educational trajectory Designing Educational Products. Pedagogy Master’s Program
Korshunov I. et al. Problem Solving and Formal, Nonformal, and Informal Learning of Russian Employees (Based on PIAAC Data) //Adult Education Quarterly. – 2023. – Т. 73. – №. 2. – С. 197-219. doi
Korshunov I. A., Lushnikov S. V., Shirokova N. N. Education and training of the adult population for the development of problem solving skills //Education and science. – 2023. – vol. 25. – No. 6. – pp. 166-192. doi
Rozhkova Ksenia V., RoshchinSergey Yu., and Travkin Pavel V. 2024. From Combining Study and Work to Combining Work and Study? The Changing Model of Russian Higher Education. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (July). doi