Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

Professional Development Programs, Workshops and Science Schools

Professional Development Focused on Implementing Research Results in the Practice of Social

1. Research Expedition to the Republic of Dagestan “Climate Change and Water Supply Issues”

(October 6–12, 2024)

The purpose of the trip was to collect field data on the relationship between water infrastructure and the economic activities of the population in the arid and low-water areas of Dagestan, within the semi-desert Caspian Lowland, under conditions of climate change.

2. Interdisciplinary School “Neuroscience of Education”

(September 13, 2024)

The school was organized by the HSE Institute of Education, HSE Department of Psychology, and HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience. The interdisciplinary school “Neuroscience of Education” offers a unique experience for education professionals to delve into the world of brain sciences. The instructors presented foundational and current research findings on brain function and cognitive processes, which may be useful and relevant for professionals in the field of education.

3. 11th Annual International Summer School on Neurolinguistics

(July 3–5, 2024)

The program of the eleventh school was titled “Child Speech: Development Mechanisms, Diagnostic Tools (Linguistic Approach).” More than one hundred participants from Russia and abroad attended the school. Over three days, attendees listened to lectures and presentations by child speech researchers, discussed projects presented at a poster session, and attended workshops on the use of standardized tests developed by the Center for Language and Brain.

4. Summer School for Researchers of Well-Being in Education

(June 26–29, 2024)

Research on well-being in education lies at the intersection of various scientific disciplines—psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics, and others. Therefore, researchers and practitioners with diverse backgrounds and experience were invited to participate in the school. This diversity of participant profiles creates a unique environment for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and approaches.

5. School on the Brain Mechanisms of Communication and Language “From Idea to Publication”

(November 15–17, 2023)

The international school aimed to prepare students specializing in linguistics, who are at the beginning of their academic journey, to work with methods and key studies in the field of neurolinguistics. It also included addressing challenges and common errors faced by researchers in the process of preparing a publication—from formulating hypotheses to preparing the manuscript.

The main goal of the Population and Health Autumn School is to give students an opportunity to learn about current state in various fields of demography, including various methods of measuring health inequality, with sources of data on mortality and health, current research, as well as to gain practical experience in calculating various indicators in R. The participants are researchers, graduate students and postgraduates working or studying in the field of demography, sociology, epidemiology, public health, social geography and related disciplines.

7. International Neuro-Linguistic School - From Idea to Publication

(September 26-28, 2023)

The International School was conducted by the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making, co-organized by the SCoDis Center (Center for Sociocognitive Discourse Studies) at MSLU. The participants of the school learnt about the methods and key research in the field of neuro-linguistics, and also participated in workshops dedicated to the preparation and description of research methods in scientific work.

The program of the tenth school Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond is devoted to the issues of video oculography. Video oculography, or eyetracking, is a modern research method that allows you to record eye movements using powerful equipment or special portable glasses equipped with video cameras. The Language and Brain Center is one of the leading Russian scientific organizations engaged in research in the field of video oculography.

9.Russian-Belarusian School "Population and Development"

(September 4-8, 2023)
The Russian-Belarusian school was held for civil servants of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. The school was organized within the framework of cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund.

The training was dedicated to the development of creative competencies. As part of the course, teachers were offered various techniques and exercises aimed at activating the creative potential of students.

The program of the ninth school Experimental Studies of Ethnic Languages of Russia touched upon the developing field of psycho- and neuro-linguistic research on the material of poorly studied languages in Russia. At the lectures, experts shared their knowledge in the field of experimental and bilingual research, adaptation of clinical tests to small languages of Russia, as well as intraoperative mapping of bilinguals.

12. Eighth Summer Neurolinguistic School of the Language and Brain Center

(June 28-30, 2021)

The program of the eighth school was devoted to cognitive and neuronal mechanisms of reading and experimental approaches to their study. The lectures covered the behavioral and neurophysiological foundations of reading in different populations: adults and children, monolinguals and bilinguals, healthy speakers and people with speech disorders.

The school was held in an online format in English. Its program touched upon the methodology of behavioral and neuroimaging sciences. The participants had the opportunity to discuss issues with world-class experts, as well as gain practical skills for analyzing and interpreting fMRI data.

14. National Transfer (Intergenerational) Accounts Workshop

(February 16, 2021)

The workshop is organized by the Institute for Demography. The event was attended by students of the master's programs Demography, Population and Development, graduate students and researchers. The master class was organized with the methodological support of the United Nations Population Fund.

15. Workshops on Development and State Support of Creative Industries and Creative leadership

(November 2 and 16, 2021)

Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge held two workshops on creative economics and creative leadership with the participation of leading British researchers. Master classes involving discussion, questions and answers from listeners, preliminary teamwork on generating ideas and presenting its results.