Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

7.2.5 Human Capital Development of the Russian Research Community in the Context of Digitalization of Research Activity and Increasingly Complex Sociocultural Dynamics

Sergey Kravchenko
Project Leader

Project period


Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital

For world science, research on the development and transformation of the human capital of the scientific community under the influence of new challenges: digitalization and the COVID-19 pandemic are still relevant. They change the nature of human capital and make new demands on it. Modern research on the topic is dominated by approaches in which human capital is assessed through financial indicators. This detracts from its humanistic nature. The approach proposed in the research project Human Capital Development of the Russian Research Community in the Context of Digitalization of Research Activity and Increasingly Complex Socioсultural Dynamics focuses on the humanistic component and qualitative characteristics of the human capital of the scientific community: its creative potential, which is due to the accumulated cultural and social capital.

The results of the research project Human Capital Development of the Russian Research Community in the Context of Digitalization of Research Activity and Increasingly Complex Sociocultural Dynamics include new knowledge about barriers to the development of human capital of the Russian scientific community that will make public policy in the field of science and education more effective, increase their competitiveness and ensure their long-term sustainable development.

Project Aim

Create the concept of human capital development of the Russian scientific community (social sciences) in the context of digitalization of research activities and increasing socio-cultural dynamics.

Project Objectives

  1. Detect new opportunities for professional communication of scientists in the context of the spread of new technologies and their impact on the transformation of the human capital of the Russian scientific community; study the forms of participation of Russian scientists in virtual and temporary research teams, including international ones, as well as the impact of scientific migrations in the context of digitalization, brain drain and repatriation, including young scientists, on the human capital of the Russian scientific community (social sciences)
  2. Conceptualize changes in research issues under the influence of global trends and network connections
  3. Identify trends in the re-stratification of the scientific community caused by involvement in digital communications; analyze age and gender changes in the human capital of the Russian scientific community occurring under the influence of digitalization, including the possibility of a conflict of "digital generations" with older generations of scientists
  4. Study the processes of acquiring statuses based on digital scientometric indicators, as well as methods of combating falsification of research, dishonesty and plagiarism in the scientific environment and in society, and practices of self-regulation of the scientific community and building up its human capital
  5. Study the transformation of human capital in the Russian scientific community in response to situations of increasing risks, vulnerabilities, emergencies, primarily caused by the spread of a socially significant disease (COVID-19 pandemic) and the "forced digitalization" of scientific communications

Key findings


A theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the human capital of the professional scientific community (social sciences) in modern Russia has been developed, the basics of the concept of transformation of the human capital of the Russian professional scientific community (social sciences) under the influence of digitalization have been worked out


The prospects of Russian higher education as perceived by higher school teachers in the context of determining the possible causes of the brain drain and repatriation have been studied. The main motives and expected results of students who have used academic mobility programs have been revealed

The study of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the development of human capital within the scientific community has been conducted, the increasing risks of the COVID-19 pandemic to the human capital of the Russian scientific community as the engine of its development have been identified and the factors of their minimization have been revealed and justified in order to support breakthrough scientific initiatives in the context of socio-economic development of the country.

The conclusions about the long-term nature of digitalization of educational and research activities, the nature of the influence of environmental and personal factors on the degree of introduction of digital technologies have been substantiated


The increasing risks of the COVID-19 pandemic to the human capital of the Russian scientific community have been identified, and the factors of their minimization have been identified and justified to support breakthrough scientific initiatives in the context of the socio-economic development of the country.


  1. Kravchenko, S. New transmission mechanism for the sustainable and humanistic development of human capital: Demand for the ‘rigidity turn’ (RU) // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Sociology. 2021. Volume 21. No. 3. pp. 433-443
  2. Chugrov S. The Strategic Empathy in the World Politics: Is It Possible to Overcome the Rashomon Effect and Fundamental Attribution Error? // Polis. Political Studies, 2021. No. 5. pp. 109-126
  3. Fedotova N. Social Sciences Today: Contemporary Challenges (RU) // Questions of philosophy. 2021. No. 12. pp. 32-42
  4. Zarubina N., Kravchenko S. "New Barbarism" in a Civilizational Perspective: Impact on Human Capital // Polis. Political Studies, 2022. No. 1. pp. 31-44
  5.  Noskova A., Goloukhova D., Kuzmina E., Galitskaya D. Digital Educator Competencies in the System of Academic Development of Higher Education: Empirical Research Experience // Higher education in Russia. 2022. Volume 31. No. 1. pp. 159-168 
  6. Zarubina N., Rakova K., Li Zhongyuan. Risks and Innovations for the Scientific Community in the Context of the COVID‐19 Pandemic (RU) // Sociological research. 2022. No. 4. pp. 146-148


International Scientific and Practical Conference Risks to the Human capital of the scientific community in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (RU) (MGIMO, October 22, 2021)

International Conference "Increasing academic mobility in the context of new geopolitical challenges to the human capital of the scientific community" (MGIMO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, November 21, 2022):

Mukhortov D.S. "University humanities in the context of new realities as a factor in shaping the worldview of youth"

International seminar "The Russian world and its national human capital: an outside and inside view of risks and Vulnerabilities" (Moscow, Russia, April 11, 2023):

- Farah S. "Russian civilization: lessons from history and challenges of the future"

Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Human potential in Science and Higher Education: problems and prospects of development" (MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, December 1, 2023)