3.3.2 Talent Management in the Knowledge Economy
Veronica Kabalina
Project Leader
Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital
Managing talented employees who make the greatest contribution to the results of the organization's activities makes it possible to fully realize the existing human potential and increase the company’s competitiveness in the economy.
The research project Talent Management in the Knowledge Economy focuses on the talent management problems in the knowledge economy at micro and macro levels, which is becoming the epicenter of global competition and developing competencies on approaches and tools for realizing human potential in a turbulent, rapidly changing and highly competitive environment
Project Aim
Identifying approaches to determining the potential of talented employees in business, analyzing the institutional environment for the development of talents at the macro level and the results of its impact through the prism of the structure dynamics of highly qualified working population with high-level skills for a certain period, considering all the prospects
Project Objectives:
- Creating a model of the potential of talented employees based on the analysis of data obtained as a result of the evaluation of talented employees for selection to the personnel reserve of companies belonging to different sectors of the economy
- Describing the institutional environment and efforts at the macro level to create a favorable climate for the formation and development of talents in the Russian Federation
- Preparing consolidated databases for analyzing the labor force and the employed population of the Russian Federation with high-level skills and assessing the potential of young talents of the Russian economy
- Analyzing the dynamics and structure of supply and demand for highly skilled labor in the Russian Federation for 2010-2021, identify trends in structural changes
Key Findings
The research project has been implemented since 2021
The main groups of components of the potential of a talented employee have been identified, new elements used by companies in the practice of assessing potential have been identified (a social block of indicators, a block of attitude to the company, a block of performance), a potential model has been formed for its use in assessing the potential of talented employees during selection to the personnel reserve of a company
A conceptual model has been developed and quantitative estimates of the scale, dynamics and socio-economic characteristics of the creative class in Russia have been obtained
Based on micro-data from the second round of the federal statistical sample survey of the employment of graduates who have received secondary vocational and higher education, conducted by Rosstat in April-September 2021, the factors that have a significant impact on the studied phenomenon of skills deficiency to perform basic duties at the first place of work have been identified. The regression analysis made it possible to determine that the work in the specialty and the subjective significance of the skill increase the likelihood of evaluating most hard skills as deficient. Two factors turned out to be significant for assessing the deficit of most soft skills. The first is age: with age, the perception of soft skills as insufficient decreases. The second factor is the recognition of a soft skill as important for fulfilling work responsibilities.
Educational Programs
People Management: Digital Technologies and Organizational Development Master’s Program
Kabalina V., Osipova A. (2022) Identifying and assessing talent potential for future needs of a company //Journal of Management Development. – 2022. – Т. 41. – №. 3. – С. 147-162. doi
Varshavskaya E. Ya. Practices of in-house education of university graduates: scales and determinants // Sociological research. 2023. No. 4. pp. 94-105. doi
10th Workshop on Talent Management (UK, October, 4-5 2021): Kabalina V., Osipova А. Potential Assessment as a Tool for Employee Selection to Talent Pools
XXII Yasin (April) International Scientific Conference on problems of economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia, April 4-8, 2022): - Special session "How to measure the human potential of an employee of an organization: a dialogue of science and practice" in the framework of Section V "Economics and Sociology of Education" (April 8, 2022)
Conference "Competencies Human Resources for Digital Project Management" HSE IIEZ (Online, December 14, 2022)
Seminar "HR Management in the Innovation Ecosystem" (online, December 19, 2023)