Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

How to increase the birth rate?

Today, advances in medicine have the potential to play a significant role in addressing the issues of increasing birth rates and reducing the number of couples experiencing infertility (which affects 15% of reproductive-age couples worldwide). We are talking about new genomic and cellular technologies that could significantly increase the chances of pregnancy and the birth of healthy children. The spread of fertility issues and the development of assisted reproductive technologies are in the spotlight of the new issue of trendletters, produced as part of a joint project of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the UNESCO Futures Studies Chair (UNESCO Futures Literacy Chairs network).

How to increase the birth rate?

For reference: This series of trendsetters continues the practice of publishing reviews of global technological trends since 2014 and presents a unique database of global trends and challenges in the field of human development. This research of the HSE ISSEK is based on the results of iFORA Big Data System, the Delphi survey (with the participation of more than 400 leading foreign and Russian scientists), expert sessions and interviews.

In modern post-industrial society, children are no longer considered an additional workforce in the household, and their upbringing is becoming increasingly expensive for the family. Women have more opportunities to realize their professional ambitions, as a result of which the average age of parents at the birth of a child has increased. Thus, in Russia it has grown from 24.8 years in 1995 to 28.8 years in 2020.

Postponing pregnancy and the birth of the first child, on the one hand, has its advantages (for example, a more conscious attitude of parents to their responsibilities), on the other hand, it leads to an increase in the level of infertility among the population. Unfortunately, at least 15% of couples of reproductive age in the world face this problem.

Assisted reproductive technologies are increasingly used to solve the problem of infertility, but their effectiveness is still quite low. Only one out of three in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles results in pregnancy.

New advances in medicine and biology, including genomic and cellular technologies, can significantly increase the chances of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Delayed pregnancy is becoming possible through the use of cryotechnology. It is expected that by 2030, the global market for assisted reproductive technologies may grow 2.6 times and reach $35.5 billion.

The new issue of trendletter (Russian version) is available at thelink.

Previous issues of trendletters can be found here.