The Phenomenon of Insight: Structure, Nature, Features
Insight is a key moment while problem solving associated with a sharp and unexpected change in the representation of a problem, which leads to finding an answer (sometimes erroneous) and is often accompanied by vivid intense experiences. Its functions and the causes that give rise to it are the subject of acute theoretical and experimental discussions. Classical and modern insight studies are based on the idea that this phenomenon is whole. So far, this assumption has not been tested empirically. We have attempted to answer the question whether insight is whole, based on the metacognitive assessments of the participants’ thought processes. According to the results, the insight clearly has a complex, composite nature. This means that it is based on several different mechanisms.
The author of the study (Vladimir Spiridonov) emphasizes that the insight clearly has a complex, composite character. In addition, it was possible to prove that there is a separate psychological mechanism responsible for the appearance of surprise in the case of solving the problem.
It is impossible not to note the significant similarity of the factor spaces obtained on the basis of metacognitive assessments among themselves. The first factor combines such scales as Pleasure, Relief, Confidence, the second is associated with the Surprise scale. This indicates the stability of the results obtained: the structure of the insight includes heterogeneous components.
The first factor can be interpreted as a general metacognitive factor of perception (experience) of one's own decision process. The interpretation of the second factor associated with the Surprise scale is still difficult.
The results obtained in the course of the study are currently extremely relevant, which makes it necessary to continue research on the phenomenon of insight and its structure.
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Digest Project is managed by Olga Voron.
The new issue of the research digest is available at the link.
Vladimir Spiridonov