Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center

April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), was devoted to a wide range of topical issues of economic and social development of the country. Scientific reports of Russian and foreign scientists constitute the main part of the presentations at the April Conference. An important part of the conference program are special events held in the format of plenary sessions and round tables with the participation of members of the Government of the Russian Federation, statesmen, business representatives, Russian and foreign experts.

2021 (online)

XXII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

April 13 - 30, 2021


The International Symposium ‘Application of Big Data Analysis for Trend Spotting Related to the Development and Use of Human Capital’ was held in Moscow, Russia on April 12, 2021. The Symposium was organised by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) of the Higher School of Economics as a part of the XXII April International Academic Conference Economic and Social Development.

Leading Russian and foreign researchers in the field of big data analysis and related areas from the Higher School of Economics, MIPT, Rospatent, Sberbank and other organizations participated in the symposium.

The participants discussed the directionses of development of technologies for big data processing and natural language analysis (Natural Language Processing, NLP) and their application to the actual tasks of predictive analytics, long-term forecasting of science and technology and identification of global trends and challenges. Particular attention was paid to now being drafted applications for the management in the field of human potential development.

The symposium was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928). 

The International Symposium ‘Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy’ was held on April 13-30, 2021.The Symposium was organised by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics

The symposium was held as an associated event within the framework of the XXII April International Academic Conference Economic and Social Development.

You can find the symposium program here.

The symposium was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘Man in the Era of Technology Transformation’ was held on April 13, 2021.

Online round table B-13-14 was chaired by First Vice Rector of the Higher School of Economics Leonid Gokhberg.

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘(Non-)homogenous (ir)rationality. How the Brain Makes Decisions’ was held on April 13, 2021.

At the online round table B-13-5 chaired by director of the Institute of Neuroscience HSE Vasily Klyucharev and lead researcher Boris Gutkin, presentations were made by

Dr. Kingson Man, University of Southern California, Truth or Consequences: Homeostatic Self-Regulation in Artificial Neural Networks

Prof. Stefano Palminteri, Paris, Сontext-dependence induces distorted memories of values: a test with across three decision-making modalities and four preference elicitation methods

The discussion was attended by

Anna Shestakova, Director of the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making in HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience

Olga Dragoy, Director of HSE Centre for Language and Brain

Olga Martynova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexis V. Belianin, Senior Research Fellow in HSE International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics

Yury Shtyrov, Leading Research Fellow in HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making in the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience

Ksenia Panidi, Senior Research Fellow in HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making in the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘Labor Productivity and Russian Human Capital: Paradoxes of Interrelation?’ was held on April 14, 2021.

At the online round table В-14-4/1 chaired by Director of the Centre for Labour Market Studies HSE Vladimir Gimpelson, one of the authors, Director of HSE Centre for Productivity Studies Ilya Voskoboynikov, presented the report “Labor Productivity and Russian Human Capital: Paradoxes of Interrelation?”.The team of authors comprised Daria Avdeeva, Natalia Akindinova, Ilya Voskoboynikov, Vladimir Gimpelson, Mikhail Denisenko, Yuri Simachev, Pavel Travkin and Anna Fedyunina. The head of the team of authors is Vladimir Gimpelson.

Russian and foreign experts, such as Ilya Voskoboynikov (HSE University), Ivan Lyubimov (RANEPA), Ruslan Yemtsov (The World Bank), Jerzy Bohdanowicz (Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Germany) participated actively in the discussion.

The report considers how the performance level in the Russian economy correlates with the available human capital. In terms of formal measures of accumulated human capital, Russia is among the world leaders, but in terms of productivity it is only at the middle level. The authors analyze the contribution of labor quality to economic and productivity growth and propose explanations why it is so small. The report also discusses participation of companies in workforce training and retraining and how training coverage changes with age of the worker. Although the report does not highlight practical recommendations, they follow from the entire text.

The discussion was attended by

Ivan Lyubimov, Senior Research Fellow in the Laboratory of International Trade Research of RANEPA Institute for Applied Economic Research

Ruslan Yemtsov, World Bank’s Human Development Program Leader for China, Mongolia and Korea

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘New Approaches in Washington and Moscow to Security and Arms Control Issues: 100 First Days of the American Administration?’ was held on April 14, 2021. 

At the online round table В-14-5 chaired by Director of the MGIMO Center for Euro-Atlantic Security Alexander Nikitin the following issues were discussed:

• How will the prolongation of the New START Treaty influence the prospects for a reconstitution and continuation of nuclear arms control?

• What are the chances of the USA and Russia returning to the Treaty on Open Skies?

• Which formats can be used to consider Moscow’s consent to introduce new types of nuclear delivery vehicles, as announced by the Russian President before the Federal Assembly, to further negotiations on strategic offensive arms reduction?

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-930).

Special Round Table ‘The Russian Pension System after 2024: Forks in the Road and Long-term Challenges’ was held on April 15, 2021.

At the online round table В-15-2/1 HSE Vice Rector Lilia Ovcharova made a solemn speech. The event was chaired by Deputy Director of HSE Institute for Social Policy Oksana Sinyavskaya. At the round table was presented the report“Russia’s Pension System in the Context of Long-term Challenges and National Development Goals”. The team of authors comprised Oksana Sinyavskaya, Evgeny Yakushev and Anna Chervyakova.

The report focuses on a comprehensive study of Russian pension system development since the adoption at the end of 2012, the strategy of long-term development of the pension system in the Russian Federation up to the present and a discussion on future development vectors in the context of long-term challenges and national development goals. The report summarizes international, foreign and Russian approaches to quantitative monitoring of pension system development and identifies limitations of strategic planning in the Russian pension system. It also proposes an actuarial evaluation model for the Russian pension system and outlines conditions required for the introduction of actuarial evaluation of the Russian pension system, taking into account international recommendations.The work is intended for a wide range of readers, including decision-makers in the field of social policy and pension provision, expert and business community in the pension sphere, researchers, teachers, students and journalists.

The discussion was attended by

Oksana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director of HSE Institute for Social Policy

Evgeny Yakushev, Head of the Laboratory for pension system development, HSE Institute for Social Policy,

Yurij Voronin, Head of the Center for Legal Support of Socioeconomic Reforms of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Yurij Gorlin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Social and Policy Sciences, RANEPA

Evsey Gurvich, Head of Economic Expert Group

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘Sustainable Development during the Pandemic: Natural Resources, Climate Change and Territorial Resilience’ was held on April 15, 2021.

At the online round table В-15-3 chaired byDeputy Head of the Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies

was presented the report ‘Sustainable Development during the Pandemic: Natural Resources, Climate Change and Territorial Resilience’. The team of authors comprised Veronika Vinogradova, Raisa Gracheva, Alexandra Dorina, Alexander Kotov, Nikolay Kurichev, Boris Morgunov, B. A. Morgunov, Vladimir Potashnikov, Liliana Proskuryakova, Andrey Ptichnikov, Georgy Safonov, Julia Safonova, Anastasia Semakina, Igor Semiletov, Anton Sizonov, Andrey Stetsenko, Ivan Frolov, Elena Cherenkova and Natalya Shakhova. Edited by Liliana Proskuryakova.


The report was prepared within the framework of the “Natural-climatic determinants of sustainable development” research direction of the World-Class Research Center “Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center”. This report presents trends and factors in the development of various elements of natural resource and climatic systems, and describes their relationship with human potential. It also considers the use of an integrated approach to analysing and predicting the risks associated with climate and ecosystems change, as well as the potential effects on people and society. The report concludes with recommendations on international cooperation, domestic policy measures, stakeholder engagement, fostering of research and development to address the challenges outlined in the report.

The discussion was attended by

Georgy Safonov, Director of HSE Centre for Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Nikolay Kurichev, Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology, HSE

Boris Morgunov, Director of HSE Institute of Ecology

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘Demographic and Social Factors of Active Longevity’ was held on April 15, 2021.

The online round table В-15-5 was chaired by Director of HSE Centre for Health Policy Sergey Shishkin.The event was devoted to the discussion of conceptual and methodological issues of researching the key factors of increasing the life expectancy of Russian citizens and the involvement of the older generation in economic and social activities, which are the subject of research projects within the framework of the research area “Demographic and social factors of active ageing”. The topical issues of the methodology for developing demographic forecasts, evaluation of the consequences of population ageing, and obtaining new empirical data on the human capital of the older generation was also considered.

Presentations were made by

Valeriy Yumaguzin, Research Fellow of HSE Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, Population projection mistakes

Mikhail Denisenko, Director of HSE Vishnevsky Institute of Demography and Vladimir Kozlov, Research Fellow of HSE Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, Russia's Intergenerational Transfer Accounts

Sergey Timonin, Deputy Head of HSE International Laboratory for Population and Health, Spatial inequality in mortality and life expectancy growth reserves in Russia

Sergey Shishkin, Director of HSE Centre for Health Policy, Structural transformation of healthcare as a factor in the second epidemic transition

Oksana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director of HSE Institute for Social Policy, The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE): new opportunities for studying the social and human capital of the older generation

Ekaterina Demintseva, Director of HSE Centre for Qualitative Social Policy Research, Миграция как фактор накопления человеческого капитала:  дети мигрантов в российском обществе и сценарии их интеграции Migration as a factor in human capital accumulation: migrant children in Russian society and their integration scenarios.

The discussion was attended by

Aleksandra Posarac, Lead Economist of the World Bank

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special session ‘Inequality, Poverty and Social Policy in the Post-Soviet Space’ was held on April 15, 2021.

Online session F-15-4 was jointly organized by HSE University and International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW). The event was chaired by Nitin Umapati (World Bank. Presentations were made by

D. Popova (University of Essex, HSE University), M. Matytsin (World Bank), The Distributional Impact of Taxes And Benefits In Eight Post-Soviet Countries (abstract)

E. Nazarbaeva (HSE University), A. Pishnyak (HSE University), N. Khalina (HSE University), Multidimensional poverty index: adaptation to Russian data and poverty profiles evaluation (abstract)

S. Mareeva (HSE University), V. Anikin (HSE University), E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University), Does the ‘Tunnel Effect’ Still Apply? Social Mobility and Perceptions of Inequality in the New Russia (abstract)

L. Chauvel (University of Luxembourg), E. Murphy (University of Luxembourg), J. Settels (University of Luxembourg), Growing wealth inequalities and their consequences on health gradient: An international comparison (abstract)

D. Matviienko (HSE University), The optimal level of government debt and wealth inequality (abstract)

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

The honorary report ‘Active Ageing Index in non-European countries’ by Asghar Zaidi was held on April 16, 2021.

The online report by Asghar Zaidi was chaired by Deputy Director of HSE Institute for Social Policy Oksana Sinyavskaya.

The term active ageing was first articulated in the Active ageing: a policy framework (WHO) in 2002, which described “the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance the quality of life as people age”. The core principles of active ageing were incorporated into the 2002 Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. The Active Aging Index (AAI), which measures the untapped potential of older people for active and healthy ageing, was developed in 2012 for the European countries. However, the need to measure the potential for active ageing also exists in non-European countries. The ability to calculate the AAI using a unified methodology allows cross-country comparison. This lecture was dedicated to the possibilities and specifics of measuring active ageing in non-European countries. It discussed the features of the assessment and the directions of AAI adaptation in non-European countries. It also presented the AAI results for non-European countries and compared the European and non-European countries.

Asghar Zaidi is Vice Chancellor of the Government College University Lahore, Associate Professorial Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and Visiting Professor at the London School and Political Science. Since 2012, under the aegis of the European Commissionand UNECE, he has led the team that developed and implemented the international Active Ageing Index (AAI) in European countries.In recent years, Prof. Zaidi has been actively engaged in the adaptation of this index in countries outside Europe — Vietnam, China, Azerbaijan and some others. His research interests include measurement of active and healthy aging, the wellbeing of older persons and those with disabilities, and the study of aging and the elderly.

The discussion was attended by

Alexandre Sidorenko, Senior Advisor, European Center for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna, Austria)

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Paper was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

The invited report ‘Poverty, inequality and shared prosperity indicators in the Europe and Central Asia region’ by Samuel Freije-Rodriguez was held on April 16, 2021.

The online report by Samuel Freije-Rodriguez took place within the framework of Section F “Social Policy” chaired by Alexandr Surinov, HSE Director for Statistical Research.

This presentation was based on the recent 2020 Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report, a biannual World Bank report that monitors global and regional poverty numbers including a series of new poverty rates (under 5 different methodologies), as well as inequality and shared prosperity indicators for most countries in the region. The presentation included a discussion of nowcasts for years 2020 and 2021 of the impact of COVID upon poverty in the region.

Samuel Freije-Rodriguez is Lead Economist in the World Bank Poverty Global Practice. He joined the World Bank in 2008, his main areas of work included labor economics and welfare impacts of public policy. He has participated in World Bank studies on labor markets, poverty, equality of opportunities and distributive impact of tax policy for several Latin American countries, China, Mongolia and Russian Federation. He also worked on the reports 'World Development Report 2013 on Jobs’  and ‘Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020: Reversals of Fortune’ . Prior to joining the World Bank, Samuel was an Associate Professor at Universidad de las Americas in Puebla, Mexico and at IESA in Caracas, Venezuela. He was also associate editor of Economia, the Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, LACEA. Samuel has a PhD in Labor Economics from Cornell University.

The discussion was attended by

Lyudmila Nivorozhkina, Head of the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Risk Assessment of the Rostov State University of Economics

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Paper was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

The honorary report ‘Feeling, Knowing and Artificial Intelligence’ by Antonio Damasio (University of Southern California, USA) was held on April 16, 2021.

The online report by Antonio Damasio was chaired by Director of HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience Vasily Klucharevand Leading Research Fellow of HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience Boris Gutkin.


Understanding the physiology behind feelings is essential to provide a comprehensive understanding of the human mind and of consciousness in particular. It is reasonable to transfer some of these developments to the world of Artificial Intelligence.

Antonio Damasio is currently the David Dornsief Chair in Neuroscience, as well as Professor of Psychology, Philosophy and Neurology at the University of Southern California and an adjunct professor at the Salk Institute.

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Paper was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Special Round Table ‘Measuring of Universal Competencies as the Results of Higher Education’ was held on April 19, 2021.

At the online round table В-19-5 chaired by Academic Supervisor of HSE Institute of Education Viktor Bolotov, Director of HSE Centre for Psychometric and Measurement in Education Elena Kardanova and Senior Research Fellow of HSE Institute of Education Pavel Sorokon, presented the report “Measuring of Universal Competencies as an Outcome of Higher Education”. The team of authors comprised Svetlana Avdeeva, Pauline Gass, Elena Kardanova, Yulia Koreshnikova, Alyona Kulikova, Ekaterina Orel, Taras Paschenko and Pavel Sorokin. The Co-Chairs of the series editorial board are Candidate of economic sciences, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academic Supervisor of the Institute of Education Isak Froumin.

The report focuses on the issue of evaluation and formation of universal competencies in higher education, complex constructs (critical thinking, creativity, communication, teamwork, etc.), which are associated with the person's success in various professional and life fields. Based on the analysis of the experience that the world community has accumulated in the field of evaluating universal competencies, we propose Evidence-Centered Design as a promising approach to their measuring. The issue of evaluation of universal competencies is directly related to the issues of their formation and implementation in the educational process. By the example of critical thinking the report demonstrates the difficulties and challenges faced by the educational community along the way. The report concludes with a section on the opportunities that the evaluation of universal competencies provides for universities.

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

Roundtable was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Session ‘Emigration from the Former USSR to Foreign Countries - 1’ was held on April 20, 2021.

At the online session Р-20-4 within the framework of the section P ‘Demography and Labor Markets’ chaired by Director of HSE Vishnevsky Institute of Demography Mikhail Denisenko, presentations were made by

Mikhail Denisenko, Director of HSE Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, Migrants from the Former Soviet republics in the Far Abroad Countries

Karina Pipia, sociologist, Head of the Levada Center* Press Service, Emigration sentiments of Russians (abstract)

M. Tolts, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, A Half Century of Jewish Emigration from the Former Soviet Union 

A. Sulaberidze (Ilia State University), J. Archvadze (Ilia State University), V. Sulaberidze (Ilia State University) Migration potential of students (General survey results)

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

The session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Session ‘Emigration from the Former USSR to Foreign Countries - 2’ was held on April 20, 2021.

At the online session Р-20-5 within the framework of the section P ‘Demography and Labor Markets’ chaired by Head of the Laboratory of Economics of Population and Demography, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Olga Chudinovskikh, presentations were made by

T. Eremenko, UNED, Migrants from the former Soviet Union to France: a diversity of profiles (abstract)

S. Strozza, UNINA, F. Benassi, ISTAT, G. Gabrielli, University of Naples Federico II, Former Societ Union Migration to Italy: Characteristics, Settlement Models and Women Condition in the Italian Labour Market

J. Panagiotidis, RECET, Post-Soviet Immigrants in Germany: On the Long-Term Effects of State Intervention in Migration and Integration Processes

A. Korobkov, Middle Tennessee State University, Russian Academic Diaspora: Its Scale, Dynamics, Structural Characteristics, and Ties to the RF

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

The session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Session ‘Entrepreneurship Training: Institutional Landscape and Pedagogical Approaches’ was held on April 27, 2021.

At the online session W-27-3 within the framework of the section W ‘New Components of Human Potential: Understanding, Measuring and Developing’ chaired by Senior Research Fellow of HSE Institute of Education Pavel Sorokon, presentations were made by

Julia Matiunenko (HSE University) and Pavel Sorokin (HSE University), Informal Entrepreneurship Education Initiatives in Russia: a case of “unbundling”

Tatiana Klyachko (RANEPA), Can / should entrepreneurship be taught?

Svetlana Chernenko (HSE University) and Pavel Sorokin (HSE University), Entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions in the Post-Soviet countries: a multi-level comparative analysis through the prism of Sociological New Institutionalism

Ekaterina Morozova (Skolkovo Foundation), Russian practice of teaching students tech-entrepreneurship: approaches, stakeholders, problems

Anna Elashkina (Technospark), The game as a tool for diagnosing the competencies of a technology entrepreneur

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

The session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Session ‘Agency, Autonomy, Resilience: a View through the Prism of Education’ was held on April 27, 2021.

At the online session W-27-4 within the framework of the section W ‘New Components of Human Potential: Understanding, Measuring and Developing’ chaired by Academic Supervisor of HSE Centre for Contemporary Childhood Research, presentations were made by

Pauline Gass (HSE University) and Pavel Sorokin (HSE University), Action changing structures: approaches and concepts in education through the prism of new sociological institutionalism

Roman Zvyagintsev (HSE University) and Julia Kersha (HSE University), Personal characteristics of students in resilient and struggling schools: different children or different schools?

Elena Bashmanova (KSU) and Trofimenko (Gymnasium № 44), The demonstration of students' subjectivity in "the epoch of EdTech-optimism"(abstract)

Sergey Sokolovskiy (IEA RAS), Human cyborgization as a problem for non-anthropocentric anthropology

Ksenia Pavlenko (HSE University), Agency and Autonomy in the Views of Parents about the Growing up of Children

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

The session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Session ‘Formation of Key Competencies as Components of Human Potential’ was held on April 28, 2021.

At the online session W-28-2 within the framework of the section W ‘New Components of Human Potential: Understanding, Measuring and Developing’ chaired by Leading Expert, Head of HSE Laboratory for Curriculum Design, Taras Pashchenko, presentations were made by

Elena Бренделева, Brendeleva (MGIMO University), Institutional problems of human capital formation in the context of digital transformation (abstract)

Vera Мальцева, (HSE University), The concept of graduate work-readiness and employability agenda: critical view from the perspective of economics of education & labour economics

O. Romanova (HSE University), A. Goncharova (Osnabrueck University), C. Pujun (University of Cologne), Competence-based approach in commercial vocational education and training in China and Russia

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

The session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).

Session ‘Measurement of Human Potential’ was held on April 28, 2021.

At the online session W-28-3 within the framework of the section W ‘New Components of Human Potential: Understanding, Measuring and Developing’ chaired by Senior Research Fellow of HSE Institute of Education Ekaterina Orel, presentations were made by

Pauline Gass (HSE University), Vera Maltseva (HSE University), Pavel Sorokin (HSE University), How to measure professional skills? A review of contemporary practices

Ksenia Tarasova (HSE University), Svetlana Avdeeva (HSE University), Digital Literacy: Approaches to Measuring Complex Latent Constructs

Alexey Tebekin (MGIMO), Model of a multi-level system for assessing the level and dynamics of human development(abstract)

Valery Grigoryev (RANEPA), The problem of the "independence" of online assessment

The stream of the session may be viewed via the link.

The session was organised in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).


* Решением Минюста РФ Левада-Центр включён в реестр некоммерческих организаций, выполняющих функции иностранного агента.