3.1.5 Science and Technology Policy and its Impact on Human Capital Development in Russian Regions
Oksana Medvedeva
Project Leader
Project period
Context of Research Project within a Subject of Human Capital
Developing human capital in the field of Science and Technology Policy (STI) is the most important condition for the effective implementation of the country's Scientific-technological Development Strategy. The country and each region separately face the tasks of highly qualified personnel training, creating attractive working conditions and appropriate research infrastructure, attracting highly qualified employees from outside. Compared to institutions, infrastructure, technology and market development, human capital is one of the strongest sides of the Russian innovation system. However, there is a gap between the existing scientific and technological conditions and the research community expectations, the general scientific and technological development agenda and its regional specifics, effective communication mechanisms both within and outside the academic community. As a result, Russia still acts “as a human capital donor for world science”, and does not fully use the intellectual potential within the country. An effective solution to the problem is associated with a comprehensive assessment of these factors’ mutual influence in the context of both globally and nationally, as well as with the study and analysis of the effects of the policy being implemented today. The research project Science and Technology Policy and its Impact on Human Capital Development in Russian Regions aims at forming the basis for improving scientific and technological policy in general, for reducing the gap between the human capital development possibilities, as well as for making an important contribution to the implementation of the federal project Development of Human Resources Potential in the Field of Research and Development
Project Aim
Assess the conformity of the Russian Federation’s scientific and technological policy directions and instruments with the human capital development task in the field of science, technology and innovation (STI) and the continuation of policy improvement
Project Objectives:
- Systematizing research results on the scientific and technological policy impact on human capital (in particular, on human resources in the field of science, technology, innovation), as well as analytical and statistical data characterizing the current state and trends in the development of the STI human resources potential in Russia
- Evaluating the set of existing instruments of federal and regional scientific and technological policy in terms of the impact on human resources
- Assessing the balance of human resources development in the Russian regions
- Determining directions for improving scientific and technological policy, considering the regions’ specifics
Key Findings
The first findings identify and describe the patterns of various scientific and technological policy instruments’ influence on human capital in the field of science, technology, innovation (STI); as well as point out current and possible Russian STI personnel potential’s shortages
The following findings assess the human resources development in Russian regions. The study on the federal science and technology policy existing tools and technology policy in terms of its impact on human resources has been completed. The results of research on the scientific and technological policy impact on human capital in the field of science, technology, innovation have been systematized
A typology of universities has been compiled based on the analysis of open data on financial and economic activities: five clusters have been identified, which can be interpreted as 5 model types of universities